Archangel's 4 neurotoxin can't stop 5.3.2 nc's evade.

I Was just exploring act 5.3 when I used my AA to take down nc , I placed 4 neurotoxins on him and he is 5* r3 sig 80. 4 neurotoxins should've stopped his evade but no it didn't , 1 of my ally mates placed 6 neurotoxins but still nothing . So is this a bug in nc , aa or act 5.
Would appreciate a response.
@Kabam Miike @Kabam Vydious @Kabam Zibiit
Would appreciate a response.
@Kabam Miike @Kabam Vydious @Kabam Zibiit
Probably yes,bcs NC will evade anyway,duped or not 😀
Neurotoxin stopps ability acuracy,but it didnt says that he will be 100% decrease abillity acuracy
BW 3% evade...
I don think that's how it works. The first neurotoxin would reduce to 66%, the second one would reduce that 66% to 44%, the third would reduce the 44% to 29%, and the 4th would reduce the 29% to 18-19%.
So, best case scenario, NC would still have an 18% chanc3 to evade under 4 neurotoxins.
6, to 9% and 7 to about 5.5%
Coldsnap reduces it to 0%. Of course, you have to apply more Coldsnaps when it expires, but NC doesn’t evade when Coldsnapped.
Dr. Zola
Secondly each neurotoxins reduces around 30%,
And 4 should be around 120%.
And yes he was still evading like normal.
Aside from that 4 neurotoxins most definitely should disable the normal evade