He's already added as a 4*, he's just not in the Crystals.
So how do I get the Deadpool synergy if I can’t get Deadpool? 🤔🤔🤔
Many players have him
Your point is? I’m asking how newer players can get him or if this is a sign that he will added to the pool.
He’s offered as a purchase when you start. Lots and lots of players have him as a 3*. Why is it such a big deal there’s a synergy with him?
Just seems odd there is a synergy when you can’t use it in your favor.
Just because you don’t have deadpool doesn’t mean others don’t. Those who have him will be able to use the synergy. It’s like nebula having one with thanos.
Not to mention the champions who carry synergies for Thanos and Kang. They're incredibly rare champs; but they deserve a few synergies if you're lucky enough to have one.
My main problem is that it seems only DP has it and no one else to substitute, this also is more of a problem compared to the other synergies mainly because its a unique one whereas the others were mostly generic.
first of all.....
lets wait to see if we get a chance to get him.....
secondly some people do have him.....
thirdly other champs also synergise with deadpool....
and laslty she also synergises with a champ that is not released yet.... (maybe he wil be hard to get)
So how do I get the Deadpool synergy if I can’t get Deadpool? 🤔🤔🤔
Many players have him
Your point is? I’m asking how newer players can get him or if this is a sign that he will added to the pool.
He’s offered as a purchase when you start. Lots and lots of players have him as a 3*. Why is it such a big deal there’s a synergy with him?
Just seems odd there is a synergy when you can’t use it in your favor.
By KABAM math I would estimate it at $2500.00
Just because you don’t have deadpool doesn’t mean others don’t. Those who have him will be able to use the synergy. It’s like nebula having one with thanos.
Original Black Panther has had a synergy for him since the game began. As do these guys:
Ref: http://www.marvelsynergy.com/champions/deadpool
Not to mention the champions who carry synergies for Thanos and Kang. They're incredibly rare champs; but they deserve a few synergies if you're lucky enough to have one.
Ummmmm yes there was.....
*currently* lol
June 4th
2 days then,It got leaked huh?
at the presenttime; now:
She is currently working as a lab technician.
past tense first- and third-person singular of be
(1) Make OG Deadpool available for sale in conjunction with feature film
(2) Institute global Spectre node for all subsequent EQs and Act 6 content*
Dr. Zola
*This constitutes parody. I am neither impersonating a Kabam employee nor do I have inside information regarding future Kabam plans.
Lucky me ☺️
lets wait to see if we get a chance to get him.....
secondly some people do have him.....
thirdly other champs also synergise with deadpool....
and laslty she also synergises with a champ that is not released yet.... (maybe he wil be hard to get)
Lucky you, indeed. This is one of the champs i wanted the most since day 1.