Iron Man (Infinity War) Places plasma on Iceman

Iron Man (Infinity War) special 3 places plasma passive on iceman. This isn’t correct behavior since Iceman is incinerate immune.
Description reads “100% chance to instantly ignite and electrify target, inflicting Plasma Passive....”. Iceman cannot be ignited.
Please address this. Thanks
Description reads “100% chance to instantly ignite and electrify target, inflicting Plasma Passive....”. Iceman cannot be ignited.
Please address this. Thanks
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Read description. Plasma is a combination of his incinerate and shock. It is identical to Arch Angel neurotoxin that combines bleed and poison. Champion who is immune to either bleed and / or poison cannot be neurotoxined.
@Kabam Miike please pass this to the game team. Incinerate immune iceman should not receive a plasma. He should only be shocked after IM special 3
Since Plasma is a Passive and Special 3 inflicts Plasma without require Incinerate or Shock Debuffs, it’s possible to start “juggling” Plasma on a Debuff-immune target by opening with a Special 3. The easier access to Plasma is offset by the much higher damage output of the Shock and Incinerate method. Consider Special 3 a backup strategy if you find it difficult to get Shock or Incinerate to stick.
Not quite...archangel does not directly place neurotoxin, he places bleed and poison (which should subsequently combine). Because of this, if the opponent has an immunity it will not work
Iceman's immunity to Incinerate does limit Iron Man's options for stacking Plasma on him, however. Since Iron Man can't place an Incinerate on Iceman, he won't have anything to fuse with any of his Shocks to form a Plasma passive. That means that the only way he can put Plasma on Iceman would be to use his special 3.