We can help you with that! You will need to contact our Support Team to change the email associated to your account. We will need to verify your access to the account, so please make sure that provide the following information when you contact them:
1) Last 2 Purchases (Amount of real-world currency spent, if applicable and approximate within 1 day) i.e Google or iTunes purchases
2) Last Login Date (approximate within 60 Days)
3) Your account's name as it is displayed in-game
4) Email linked to your account (this can be your GameCenter ID, Google Play ID, or your Kabam ID)
5) New email address you wish to use (make sure that it hasn’t been registered with Kabam)
6) Account Creation Date (approximate within 60 Days)
**If you are having trouble remembering when you created your account, check the dates of some of your earliest achievements in your Google Play or Game Center accounts.
7) Device and Device OS you were/are playing on
8) Account Level, a few of your most powerful characters, and Alliance name (if you are part of one)
We can help you with that! You will need to contact our Support Team to change the email associated to your account. We will need to verify your access to the account, so please make sure that provide the following information when you contact them:
1) Last 2 Purchases (Amount of real-world currency spent, if applicable and approximate within 1 day) i.e Google or iTunes purchases
2) Last Login Date (approximate within 60 Days)
3) Your account's name as it is displayed in-game
4) Email linked to your account (this can be your GameCenter ID, Google Play ID, or your Kabam ID)
5) New email address you wish to use (make sure that it hasn’t been registered with Kabam)
6) Account Creation Date (approximate within 60 Days)
**If you are having trouble remembering when you created your account, check the dates of some of your earliest achievements in your Google Play or Game Center accounts.
7) Device and Device OS you were/are playing on
8) Account Level, a few of your most powerful characters, and Alliance name (if you are part of one)