"Intended feature" or bug

I have encountered several scenarios where the damage dealt is not consistent with common mcoc logic. This might be intended based on the interactions between champions and/or nodes, but it doesn't seem consistent with how I think damage is calculated in the game.
Scenario 1
When fighting labyrinth of legends antman with a 5* R5 SL, my damage on a special 2 with a 280 hit combo was 2k. Just 2k, not 20k. Glancing hits reduce 50% damage, but 2k damage on an L2 seems awfully low for a 5* R5, much less starlord with 280hit combo. At the start of the fight, the damage dealt is still high, and increases with combos, but suddenly drops off.
Possible explanation
Perhaps glanced hits on ant-man also prevents SL's signature ability to scale damage with combo, and the 2nd enrage timer has some interaction with ant-man's ability to massively reduce damage taken.
Scenario 2
AW path 6, node 35 (powershield). Powershield apparently gives specials +400% damage, while other hits do not deal any damage. However, when I used 6* gulk's L1 for that node, the damage dealt is highly inconsistent. Nothing needs to be said about a 6*'s (equivalent to 5* R4) damage potential, especially if its boosted by +400%. However, on 2 occasions, I did ~<10% damage per special on morningstar/hood, which frankly baffles me. In the fight against morningstar, the 3rd L1 did way more damage, like >50% of the opponent's health pool. The damage done is not at all proportional, even if the initial L1s did not crit and the 3rd one crit (i presume the first 2 did not crit). In the fight against hood, did 3 L1s and all of them did insignificant damage, and I got wrecked by his MD fueled L2 soon after.
Possible explanation
As the L1 stuns the opponent, pacify triggers and the damage is not boosted by +400%, or there is some weird interaction/bug with crit damage/crit rate rating that could possibly be linked to scenario 1's low damage (since antman's glancing affects crit interations)
Bonus bug/interaction
Saw a clip provided by an alliance mate fighting antman. GR's L3 did not give degen to ant-man and GR's regen per hit was up the whole fight (its only supposed to be up for a short while after a heavy).
Possible explanation
Ant-man is bugged af
Scenario 1
When fighting labyrinth of legends antman with a 5* R5 SL, my damage on a special 2 with a 280 hit combo was 2k. Just 2k, not 20k. Glancing hits reduce 50% damage, but 2k damage on an L2 seems awfully low for a 5* R5, much less starlord with 280hit combo. At the start of the fight, the damage dealt is still high, and increases with combos, but suddenly drops off.
Possible explanation
Perhaps glanced hits on ant-man also prevents SL's signature ability to scale damage with combo, and the 2nd enrage timer has some interaction with ant-man's ability to massively reduce damage taken.
Scenario 2
AW path 6, node 35 (powershield). Powershield apparently gives specials +400% damage, while other hits do not deal any damage. However, when I used 6* gulk's L1 for that node, the damage dealt is highly inconsistent. Nothing needs to be said about a 6*'s (equivalent to 5* R4) damage potential, especially if its boosted by +400%. However, on 2 occasions, I did ~<10% damage per special on morningstar/hood, which frankly baffles me. In the fight against morningstar, the 3rd L1 did way more damage, like >50% of the opponent's health pool. The damage done is not at all proportional, even if the initial L1s did not crit and the 3rd one crit (i presume the first 2 did not crit). In the fight against hood, did 3 L1s and all of them did insignificant damage, and I got wrecked by his MD fueled L2 soon after.
Possible explanation
As the L1 stuns the opponent, pacify triggers and the damage is not boosted by +400%, or there is some weird interaction/bug with crit damage/crit rate rating that could possibly be linked to scenario 1's low damage (since antman's glancing affects crit interations)
Bonus bug/interaction
Saw a clip provided by an alliance mate fighting antman. GR's L3 did not give degen to ant-man and GR's regen per hit was up the whole fight (its only supposed to be up for a short while after a heavy).
Possible explanation
Ant-man is bugged af
This would make it last 27.05 seconds. (I don't know how long your mate's fight against Ant-Man lasted after he hit lifesteal, but that could explain it.)
The clip I saw was close to 2minutes, which is far beyond normal lifesteal durations. In that clip that I saw, judgement of guilt was placed after L3 but there was no damnation (the degen). The judgements were not removed as well, and he could continue healing from normal hits (like before) long after L3.
I don’t know about any of the other stuff but at least this explains some part of it. This not counting towards the combo meter has been confirmed by Kabam, but we’ve recently mearned it can still be a bug regardless.
Smashing could be part of the explanation for the discrepancy in the attack damage, but it would only account for a small part of it. An L1 doing ~5-10% damage vs >50% damage is a huge difference. I suspect stunning and petrify mastery (preventing the attack from getting +400% damage) might be a cause. Either ways, a 6* gulk only doing <10% damage on L1 against a mystic on a non-boss node sounds ridiculous.
Yea, the ant-man-Starlord glancing interaction seems reasonable I suppose.
This either means that powershield/gulk is bugged, or that the +66% armour up node is doing some serious work in reducing damage taken. With "diminishing returns in flat value attributes" for armour rating, should we expect that +66% armour have such a massive impact? It seems that further clarification needs to be done on the nodes/mechanics