AW: Captain America (Infinity War)

I got a 4* 5/50 dupe (Lv 4) atm and i wanted to know @Kabam Miike or someone who knows this, where to put him in AW Defense. We are in Tier 5 (4x Multiplier) and i have put him in defense. Please explain which Nummer node we should put him, with reasoning.
Thank you
Thank you

Even if they knew they wouldnt say
Depends wat tier war you are in as to wat buffs wat nodes have.
Give. you sound like a noob i am guuna guess low tier.
I say look for a Node that gives him resistance to make him harder to kill. I think he would be great if the fight can be made longer
So you call someone noob even tough i said what Tier etc we are in AW? Are you even trying to help or you just wanted to feel yourself better by lowering another?
13 Mil alliance with 1800 War rating.
The Tier i already wrote in the first Post, Tier 5(4x Multiplier)
So, anyone who really want to help, or Mods, please help me out, thanks
My bad.... i misread something a little...
I also still gave you my advice.....
Which was look for a resistance node or similar....
And i told you the mods wont help... cus they wont....
So no need to flag me when i gave you advice....
Yeah but u also said i didnt help... when i did.... i gave you an answer to your question.... it would be be very rare that a champ is “made” for a specific node. Kabam has said previously they dint build champs specifically for defence. IMIW is one if the only i can think of that appear to be like that
Try the spite node. I forget which number. The one top right middle path.... cap should make for a long fight so should suit that node well
With the attack boost here the attacker can often end the fight very quickly.
If the fight lasts for more than 60secs the the attacker is dead....
Gotta ensure he degens for the entire 60secs.... dont want the fight over in less than 60secs
I was giving u multiple options.....
Resistance node
Flare node
Wat is wrong woth giving u multiple options
It will kill in 60secs if they have no healing....
But most champs get killed very quickly there....
If your cap can survive 60secs ur opponent likely dies....
He is def suited for attack....
His glancing is suited for defence and there is a couple of his sig abilities that would be great for defence...
Skill sig = purify debuff
Would be handy on defence.
I have used mine on defence mainly to mix it up a little... so far has gotten a kill atleast each war... we are low tier atm so nodes are not good
But dont see why not as it would be coded and behave diferently to a synergy.
Whilst a synergy benifits more than one member of a team this benifits only him.
So synergies would require its own check to be done before loading the fight to see who was where and wat synergies were active.
Where as the coding behind this would be the same as any ability except for it would also have a value it needs to check for to say wat is and isnt applicable.
How about you do your homework? Try to read the nodes then determine for yourself. If you still need help post this in the suggestion part.
Was that directed at me??