Tips For A Noobie
Member Posts: 1
Im reletivaly new to MCOC so any tips such as to farming units,iso-8,catalysts would be very appreciated.
I would recommend grinding arena a little bit. It is extremely important for new players to save their units for masteries. It is tempting to buy crystals but trust me, you will be better off in the long run. Since you are relatively new, I would focus on leveling up by doing Acts 1-3, or even the easier modes of the event quests. You will stock up on iso and other helpful materials. Also, never sell your champions. I would also focus on grinding catalyst quests and ranking up your 2 and 3 star champions. I made a mistake, and rarely leveled up my three stars, and that put me behind in arena. I hope this helps your Marvel Contest of Champions experience better my friend!
If you think you might spend on the game, look for a decent 4* offer and buy early. Man, if I had a 4* early on, even a cruddy one, could have done so much more, faster.
Arena is key early. While you’re in the lower bracket, try to get some 3* in your roster that are worth playing with.
Also, more experienced alliance members means many more tips