Yellow Jacket Death Bug

I’m having an issue when using a super, while playing with or against Yellow Jacket, where when you or the AI is below a certain amount of health and you use a super, the opponent dies unexpectedly. Anyone else notice this or have any more details?
It's the power sting.
Yeah, it's what makes YJ a decent champ. Get done Stings on, and tease out some Special Attacks. The Opponent tried to activate them, but dies before they land.
Two warnings:
The damage for Special-3 attacks hits after the animation finishes; so if they can KO you with the SP3, they'll win before the Sting takes then down.
Because her Limbo triggers, Magik will recover the damage from Power Sting when Limbo ends, if it doesn't KO her. This makes her a decent champ against YJ, despite class disadvantage.