Never was made available. There's been a few champions like that who either popped up as a boss fight, a random NPC, or just found in the game files that never became available. Other two that come right to mind are Jessica Jones and Dark Phoenix.
To follow up @superunknown012 there are champions that end up in quests, and there are even champions in the data files that never show up. Weapon X, Dark Phoenix, are the first ones that came to my mind as far as EQ and not available. I don't remember Jessica Jones, but I know shes there.
A new skinned Dr Strange, Scarlet Witch are both in the game files. Red Skull used to be in the game files. The collector can be found in act 5, but is nowhere else.
A new skinned Dr Strange, Scarlet Witch are both in the game files. Red Skull used to be in the game files. The collector can be found in act 5, but is nowhere else.