Player icon not moving to chosen paths in AQ and AW

There is an issue that really bothers me. I don't remember if it first happened in 16.0 or 17.0 ... but it still occurs with the recent update.
From time to time, more often in Alliance Quest and sometimes in Alliance War, it happens that my player icon is not moving after tapping on the next nearby node.
For example: Today (alliance quest, map 5) i was standing right infront of the first miniboss (Nightcrawler) while he was linked. When i came back, one of my alliance mates has KO'ed Nightcrawler and some others explored some of the following nodes.
Now i tapped on the (empty) miniboss-node (34) in order to move to the next intersection. My player icon is not moving, but the three following nodes (left: 38; right: 39; and the upper node to 4 differenth paths) are highlighted green meaning I am at the intersection ... while my icon isn't.
So, as i wanted to move to the poison path i tapped on the highlighted node 39. Nothing happens...
And that's quite often that my icon isn't moving and resulting me being unable to chose the following node i would like to move to.
So i'm leaving the alliance quest mode and go to the game menu (where you can chose your battlegroup). I'm going back into the alliance quest mode and now i'm seeing my icon sitting on the intersection. I'm tapping node 39 again ... and my icon isn't moving ... again.
One of my alliance mates explored the nodes 39, 43 and 44. Now the path between node 44 and the next intersection is marked as explored, thus meaning i'm now at the intersection between 44, 45 and 55 ... while my icon is still at the intersection between 38 and 39.
The next nodes (45, Sentinel with poison & 55, buff-immune Gwenpool) are highlighted green. As mentioned, i wanted to chose the poison path. I'm zooming in ... further ... further ... i'm zooming onto 45 as near as possible cus i already know what might happen.
Could i choose the node? Or will i have to leave and re-enter AQ again?
My screen isn't showing much else than the Sentinel on node 45 ... and the node itself. I'm tapping on node 45 and my fear comes true. My icon suddenly appears at the intersection and is moving to node 55, so i will have to fight Gwenpool.
Furtunately, there are still players behind me with a poison-immune champion able to take the poison path.
But sometimes this bug results in real problems.
One or two weeks ago, while playing map 5 on day 3 or 4, i wanted to take node 40 (science Sentinel, bleed path). But my icon was moving to node 52 (already explored by another alliance member) so in that case, there was just one member left to explore the bleed path, but he was at work so we almost struggled to finish the map right in time (usually, our battlegroup finishes Map5 with about 4 hours left).
Two weeks ago, we had an alliance war in which i wanted to move to node 26 (enhanced bleed, Pessimist). I used the portal above node 20, went to sleep and when i came back the next morning one of the other members in my battle group had explored node 27.
As i tapped on node 27 my player Icon didn't move ... but the node 26 and the portal above 25/26/27 where highlighted.
I tapped on node 26, but suddenly my icon appears on node 27 and is moving to the nearby portal.
Unfortunately there was now player left in our battlegroup able to move to node 26.
At the end we had 99,7% exploration and lost this particular alliance war by 50 points (!) ... missing the 150 points from exploring node 26 and up to 240 points for attack bonus.
Needless to say i was kinda disappointed that a bug resulted in my inability to move to node 26 which made us lose the war.
I heared from other alliance members (Android and iOS-users) that they also sometimes experience the problem that their icon is not moving and that they can't move to the next node until they leave and re-enter the alliance game mode.
Yet this bug (icon moving to the wrong node) seems to appear if the desired node is a bit lower left to the node the icon is moving to (45-55 and 40-52 in AQ, 26 and the following portal in AW)
used hardware: Samsung SM-A300FU
android version: 6.0.1
From time to time, more often in Alliance Quest and sometimes in Alliance War, it happens that my player icon is not moving after tapping on the next nearby node.
For example: Today (alliance quest, map 5) i was standing right infront of the first miniboss (Nightcrawler) while he was linked. When i came back, one of my alliance mates has KO'ed Nightcrawler and some others explored some of the following nodes.
Now i tapped on the (empty) miniboss-node (34) in order to move to the next intersection. My player icon is not moving, but the three following nodes (left: 38; right: 39; and the upper node to 4 differenth paths) are highlighted green meaning I am at the intersection ... while my icon isn't.
So, as i wanted to move to the poison path i tapped on the highlighted node 39. Nothing happens...
And that's quite often that my icon isn't moving and resulting me being unable to chose the following node i would like to move to.
So i'm leaving the alliance quest mode and go to the game menu (where you can chose your battlegroup). I'm going back into the alliance quest mode and now i'm seeing my icon sitting on the intersection. I'm tapping node 39 again ... and my icon isn't moving ... again.
One of my alliance mates explored the nodes 39, 43 and 44. Now the path between node 44 and the next intersection is marked as explored, thus meaning i'm now at the intersection between 44, 45 and 55 ... while my icon is still at the intersection between 38 and 39.
The next nodes (45, Sentinel with poison & 55, buff-immune Gwenpool) are highlighted green. As mentioned, i wanted to chose the poison path. I'm zooming in ... further ... further ... i'm zooming onto 45 as near as possible cus i already know what might happen.
Could i choose the node? Or will i have to leave and re-enter AQ again?
My screen isn't showing much else than the Sentinel on node 45 ... and the node itself. I'm tapping on node 45 and my fear comes true. My icon suddenly appears at the intersection and is moving to node 55, so i will have to fight Gwenpool.
Furtunately, there are still players behind me with a poison-immune champion able to take the poison path.
But sometimes this bug results in real problems.
One or two weeks ago, while playing map 5 on day 3 or 4, i wanted to take node 40 (science Sentinel, bleed path). But my icon was moving to node 52 (already explored by another alliance member) so in that case, there was just one member left to explore the bleed path, but he was at work so we almost struggled to finish the map right in time (usually, our battlegroup finishes Map5 with about 4 hours left).
Two weeks ago, we had an alliance war in which i wanted to move to node 26 (enhanced bleed, Pessimist). I used the portal above node 20, went to sleep and when i came back the next morning one of the other members in my battle group had explored node 27.
As i tapped on node 27 my player Icon didn't move ... but the node 26 and the portal above 25/26/27 where highlighted.
I tapped on node 26, but suddenly my icon appears on node 27 and is moving to the nearby portal.
Unfortunately there was now player left in our battlegroup able to move to node 26.
At the end we had 99,7% exploration and lost this particular alliance war by 50 points (!) ... missing the 150 points from exploring node 26 and up to 240 points for attack bonus.
Needless to say i was kinda disappointed that a bug resulted in my inability to move to node 26 which made us lose the war.
I heared from other alliance members (Android and iOS-users) that they also sometimes experience the problem that their icon is not moving and that they can't move to the next node until they leave and re-enter the alliance game mode.
Yet this bug (icon moving to the wrong node) seems to appear if the desired node is a bit lower left to the node the icon is moving to (45-55 and 40-52 in AQ, 26 and the following portal in AW)
used hardware: Samsung SM-A300FU
android version: 6.0.1