4mil alliance looking for two active players (min. 60k bhr)

[M!NDs] MindsUnited is looking for a couple of solid players to replace a couple of leechers that need to be booted.
We are a great group of dudes (and one girl) that get along really well. We use LINE chat a lot and really dig communicating, strategizing, or just goofing off. We don't need the highest rated players as much as we need TEAM players.
No minimum donation requirements
No event minimum participation
SA every week (6%-20% Rank Rewards)
Float between 1,000 - 1,110 War Rating
Final Milestones Every Item Use Event
AQ every week [3-3-3-2-2] - All AQ milestones except the last one (20mil)
At least two AWs a week - all 3 bgs full. We try to fit in more wars by doing Map 2 (doesn't lock your champs) a couple of times at the end of AQ.
We do expect every member to join all Alliance Quests and Alliance Wars and to contribute your highest level champs for these events. This is the one area that we are pretty strict on. Of course, we are RLF. If you got something going on, just let us know ahead of time. No big deal. Just don't leave your bros hanging.
We are a chill group. We have a lot of fun and a lot of laughs, but we do want to advance in tiers and grow into a stronger alliance. We have players ranging from 60k - 300k. We prefer players over 100k, but it's ok if you are lower rated as long as you are willing to participate and improve/grow your roster.
Probably sounds more serious than we actually are, but we have had a lot of trolls and leechers run through our alliance lately. Just don't want to waste time with people that aren't going to contribute or communicate.
We use LINE to communicate 80% of the time, so having that app would be ideal. Our group leader is a great dude who plans out our schedule every week and makes sure that we are able to hit as many rank rewards/milestones as we can. Can pretty much guarantee an active player is at least going to pull 2,000 4* shards, 500 5* shards, and a full T4B each week just by participating.
Check us out and drop a line to our leader in-game [IndridCold] or any of our officers. Looking forward to talking with you.
[M!NDs] MindsUnited