Stormbreaker Thor NEW CHAMP god tier

Sig ability when ever Thor lands a critical hit on an a opponent that has armor break he will inflict a shock debuff dealing 80% attack over 4 seconds
Armor break effects last 1.5% longer for ever hit in the combo meter
Heavy attack
Grants 25% attack per team member for 7 seconds
Special attack 1
Stormbreaker strikes have 85% chance to armor break applying 20% armor reduction for 3.5 seconds
Special attack 2
Storm breaker strikes have85% chance to armor break applying 35% armor reduction for 6 seconds
Special attack 3
Inflicts a permanent armor break removing enemy armor and applying 35% armor reduction
Up to 100% chance based on lost health to regenerate 10% lost health instead of gaining an attack buff when using a heavy attack
7% increased attack
Captain America infinity war
Increases caps buff duration and kinetic charge duration by 25%
Armor break effects last 1.5% longer for ever hit in the combo meter
Heavy attack
Grants 25% attack per team member for 7 seconds
Special attack 1
Stormbreaker strikes have 85% chance to armor break applying 20% armor reduction for 3.5 seconds
Special attack 2
Storm breaker strikes have85% chance to armor break applying 35% armor reduction for 6 seconds
Special attack 3
Inflicts a permanent armor break removing enemy armor and applying 35% armor reduction
Up to 100% chance based on lost health to regenerate 10% lost health instead of gaining an attack buff when using a heavy attack
7% increased attack
Captain America infinity war
Increases caps buff duration and kinetic charge duration by 25%
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Why the hell not we just got a third Captain America
Becuase we need another unoriginal comment.
Now people are like: there are too many varients of each hero. This stinks.
I’m hoping the two groups I described are different people....