Merc mission

Kossta13Kossta13 Member Posts: 27
Wat is going on I been on my alliance for 3 monthsg0qkaspwsxlh.png


  • JaffacakedJaffacaked Member Posts: 1,415 ★★★★
    That's not even there for me. It's says a merchant mission has been activated too
  • spaceoctopusspaceoctopus Member Posts: 1,111 ★★★
    Restart the game
  • Kossta13Kossta13 Member Posts: 27
    I did
  • RicardobaltoRicardobalto Member Posts: 238
    Had that too and I discovered a merc mission and suddenly that place quest unlocked
  • sm211195sm211195 Member Posts: 13
    Option for merc mission not available even after update
  • Mishman07Mishman07 Member Posts: 52
    On opening the game there is massage regarding merc mission but I failed to locate it in whole game. Pls help
  • sm211195sm211195 Member Posts: 13
    Why is there no option for merc mission even after updating
  • Kossta13Kossta13 Member Posts: 27
    I now I barely find out too
  • Kabam VydiousKabam Vydious Member Posts: 3,598 ★★★★★
    Merged a few threads on this. If you fit the criteria of being able to have Merc Missions and a restart didn't help, please let us know so we can figure out why they aren't popping up.
  • GK_23GK_23 Member Posts: 337 ★★★
    I tried the restart and it’s still not popping up for me.
  • DhruvgDhruvg Member Posts: 287
    Bag of money is showing on home screen is showing which says go to merc missions , but it is not taking me anywhere, also I cannot see any merc mission and few of my all mates are geting error of not in the alliance for long.
  • JaffacakedJaffacaked Member Posts: 1,415 ★★★★
    Merged a few threads on this. If you fit the criteria of being able to have Merc Missions and a restart didn't help, please let us know so we can figure out why they aren't popping up.

    Got the bag on the home screen saying a merc mission is active but won't take you to the fight. Also I've restarted am still not seeing anything.
  • Kabam VydiousKabam Vydious Member Posts: 3,598 ★★★★★
    Jaffacaked wrote: »

    Got the bag on the home screen saying a merc mission is active but won't take you to the fight. Also I've restarted am still not seeing anything.

    Thanks for the update on this. We'll swing it over to the rest of the team and see what might be happening.
  • Kossta13Kossta13 Member Posts: 27
    Where merc go ?
  • nfernonferno Member Posts: 92
    Bag on main screen, no merc missions visible after clicking Go To Fight
  • Cranky_TrumpCranky_Trump Member Posts: 263
    I'm seeing the exact same thing, mission active, but no mission to do. Is it possible that I am the one that activated the mission, so I can't run it?
  • HeartlessHeartless Member Posts: 298 ★★
    Merged a few threads on this. If you fit the criteria of being able to have Merc Missions and a restart didn't help, please let us know so we can figure out why they aren't popping up.

    same here no mission for me to do. IGN is x0 Heartless 0x, same alliance as jaffa

  • Kabam ZibiitKabam Zibiit Administrator Posts: 7,033
    Hey, can those of you who are having these issues confirm that the bag icon on the home screen has a timer on it? Or that, when you click on it, the window that pops up says that a Merc Mission has been activated and includes the name of the player who activated the Merc Mission?

    If you don't have a Merc Mission activated, the bag icon will still appear but will only give general information about Merc Missions. If you have one active, the bag icon will have a timer, the pop-up window will say that a Merc Mission is active, name the player who activated the mission, and will include a button saying "Go to Quest". We're still passing along everyone's info for the team to look into, just wanted to make sure that this portion was clear for everybody.
  • TitoBandito187TitoBandito187 Member Posts: 2,072 ★★★★
    edited June 2018
    @Kabam Miike @Kabam Zibiit

    How do you know which ones you completed already? I just did 4 runs (1 of each difficulty) only an hour ago and still see a bag with a timer? Is it a new one or the old one, I cant tell, butvthink it’s a new one?

    It will just let me keep doing them, but what’s the point if you can do only one of each difficulty to get the point? There needs to be something that identifies which difficulty has been completed so these don’t get confused with what’s already been done.

    Also, what does “full” mean in the screenshot?


  • NiftycraNiftycra Member Posts: 45
    edited June 2018
    Both my Merc Missions and Assassin Assignments keep disappearing and reappearing at random. I keep having to reset my game multiple times to make them reappear. Additionally the timer is all messed up. I have been kicked out twice with the game saying I was out of time but I clearly had plenty of time. Then I reset the game and I was back in the assignment again with time once again. These things are not working as intended Kabam.
  • RicardobaltoRicardobalto Member Posts: 238
    Same here. Only the event quest. Even the bag is visible there aren’t any merc mission or even assassin Assignments. Last time was yesterday in Sweden nighttime
  • NiftycraNiftycra Member Posts: 45
    Now it shows that I have 100% completed all levels...but I haven’t even played normal or master this round. It’s like it’s remembering my first round and ignoring the second one...
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