Losing connection in 2 android devices


I play from a Nvidia Shield K1 and a Samsung S5 and I lose connection quote offen. Sometimes while fighting, sometimes while just watching ja roster or checking ja Profile.
IT happens in both devices. Sometimes IT happens 2 Times within 10 Minuten, sometimes IT does not happen in 2 hours.
My connection ist Not the Problem. Watching Netflix or YouTube for hours without any Problems. Also playing other online games works Well...

Any help?


  • GermanHermanGermanHerman Member Posts: 2
    Sry for strange typos, using a german auto correction Software...
  • hobohobo Member Posts: 87
    They will not do anything until a million people complain good luck
  • Donn1Donn1 Member Posts: 48
    I have also experienced this. I have been on company wifi (tested the download speed at the time and it 63.94 mb/s) and 4g connection and the game would not reconnect. I have lost numerous fights in arena as I have had to restart the app because of this.

    I thought apps/games were meant to improve with updates?
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