Who should i rank up Science Sig stones on

I can't decide between using my sig stones on either my Classic Spidey or Yellow jacket... I like spidermans evade... but yellow jackets power sting is clutch in certain fights... what do you guys think?
Who should i rank up Science Sig stones on 7 votes
I'm sure our community would be able to weigh in and help you in making a decision. As you mentioned, Spidey has the evade ability, whereas Yellowjacket's Power Sting is also incredibly useful.
It might come down to what use you think you'd have for them, because Spider-man's evade would be useful as a defender in Alliance War, whereas Yellowjacket would be very useful in any situation in which you're the aggressor, as the Power Sting can seriously hurt.
It's good to consider your potential uses for those Champions and make the decision based on those aspects.
We hope this helps a little!
This is why Pertinax is the best mod! He/she seems a lot more down to earth than the others and gives impartial advice as a fellow player. Keep it up
Personally both of these are defensive champs and I would not really consider putting any stones into either unless you really want a strong defense. The sciences I would consider are void, hulk, and glad hulk. If you are deadest on these two, go with spidey, because it increases his chance to evade, while yj only increases the stun duration caused by biosting