New alliance

I got kicked from my old alliance for having only 2 star champions. Now I have grown quite abit, 2 3 star champions and high level 2 stars. I made a new alliance for active players but nobody is joining. I have already spent 5000 battle chips and donated alot of currency into the alliance but nobody has joined yet.

Well... I am recruiting both new players to help them with their early days and exprienced players as well to help with alliance wars and quests. I only want active players though. 7 days of inactiveness or you will be kicked. Unless you give a valid reason.
I want this alliance to be a relaxed alliance so I am not going to kick people for not taking part in alliance war and I will not promote members based on character rating but on how much I trust them.

I hope to see you in my alliance!!
[MARLR] Marvelers
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