
So did Kabam disable blocking for characters? I'm going on two weeks where my characters won't block. They start to block and then release it.
Funny how Kabam creates new characters and levels but can't get the basics to work
Funny how Kabam creates new characters and levels but can't get the basics to work
Sometimes it kinda seems like they have no intention to fix it or even properly address that there's numerous problems with blocking.
Which is starting to get irritating considering how much information and money they've received from us.
My champions randomly drop their blocks for no reason which makes me lose lots of health which annoys me especially when I know that i timed it right and am still holding it yet I'm at on the getting hit.
My blocks get blown through a lot by regular attacks and specials, which makes me really frustrated knowing that I still should be blocking it.
My champions get stuck in block and won't move at afterwards and drop it to though the block succeeds
Sometimes they won't move after blocking the first part of a multi hit one like Spiderman's or they just drop in the middle of it
Sometimes they just refuse to block at all.
It happens with all kinds of champions, against all kinds of champions, in every mode on multiple different phones and devices and models and versions.
Sometimes it makes me wonder just why I keep playing given how broken combat gets sometimes and their lack of initiative and care in fixing the game
other games fix bugs and test things out with new updates so why can this game do the same?
I hope marvel the company itself looks like how happy customers are and how well a game with their precious name works;
cause the bugs that still in the game vs how fast small beneficial bugs get fix against us begs the question "why doesnt kabam work just as fast?"
Hahaha, how many posts did you have deleted with the nonsense excuse of not having "constructive criticism" ?
You probably should have started your posts with "I wish Kabam would", cause that's what they count as a good constructive post apparently...