Kabam doesn’t replay to my issue for over 4 days !!

Mr_3xcelsiorMr_3xcelsior Member Posts: 10
I have just posted that I have been having issues with AW(most important part of the game)I am stuck in auto fight somehow when I enter AW ,due to this issue I have been kicked out from my alliance.i went in a new alliance and the same thing is happening.
I have been sending kabam tickets since Monday.
Kabam Ahab have just replied to my post from an hour ago that kabam will answer within 3 days so here is one of my ticket number that I have sent kabam on Monday (a lot more then 72 hours )
I have sent about 5 tickets in total with no answer
Here is one of the ticket numbers please reply with a resolution
Ticket number : 04758882
My email is :mr.excelsior.mcoc@gmail.com
My ingame name is: mr.excelsior
Thanks hopefully I can get your help
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