Offers only catered for the big spenders...

All we keep seeing is offers catered for the spenders. Where is the 'appreciation' for the MAJORITY of your players? You really think the way to make the most profit is to throw out expensive offers? You will get a lot more purchases with cheaper offers. Having a purchase is better than no purchase, right?
Also - Your 'appreciation' month is possibly the worst/insulting idea possible. Most of us level 60 players don't need gold, experience (that does nothing for us) or BC. Trying to show that you 'appreciate' us by giving us worthless rewards, is really like rubbing salt in an open wound.
Also - Your 'appreciation' month is possibly the worst/insulting idea possible. Most of us level 60 players don't need gold, experience (that does nothing for us) or BC. Trying to show that you 'appreciate' us by giving us worthless rewards, is really like rubbing salt in an open wound.
Not to mention the fact that all of it is just bonus.
And say they have 100 people who will buy the offer at 100$. For half the price they would need to sell it to twice as many people To get the same amount from the sale. They have the numbers and likely know that selling twice as many is far less likely to bring in the same amount of sales.
And really if your wages can't support 100$ for digital items then that's on you.
If u win let me know would love to sue a developer who only put games on sale during steam sale
Discrimination based on what?
Sorry, I should have been specific. I meant the offers for the top tier players. The players who no longer want/need 3* ****. The 4 star offer that a lot of people would have purchased was the same price as the current 5 star offer, £100. Why is the 4 star offer the same price as the 5?
I understand that but its either cheap (3 star cache offers etc) or expensive (4/5 star offers). There is no in between.
I think its more down to people knowing its a game and these are 'digital' items that aren't worth anywhere near the price they are being offered at. Are you saying you think these offers are reasonable?
If they sell at this price they are reasonable to the parties participating in the transaction.
What I think of the offers price point is irrelevant in a business sense.
Still hoping they sell 2/3 basics for 900 units again