Deadpoolganger Node issue, not happy

I am geeking rn. Has no 1 done the Normal Mercs n mission quest? I can't be the only 1. I have every part of it done, but for some reason, on Deadpoolganger, when I get to portal 6(which was 21 energy to enter, absurd) it's broken or something. I face Gwenpool, Black Panther is supposed to be next n it will just NoT let me go to him. His head is like blocking the node or something, take a look. N it makes like a weird sound when u click on it. I can't be the only person who noticed this. I know mistakes happen, but i am geeking rn, spent a day grinding plus at least 3 energy refills, just on that part. Then bought 2 w credits. Pulled Venompool, was trying to dupe, I'm trying to get my roster up n this **** happens. Some 1 comment or tell me something