Why do i keep getting the same deathwatch opponents in the infinite streak? You guys don’t want me to get the champ or what? I mean I have been grinding most of the time but this is just very absurd. And refreshes do not work. Or what am I doing wrong?

3/30 champs?????
if this is so then it has already been shown by many people the 4* 3/30 champs are not safe. they may or may not trigger death squad opponents.
maybe team Pi needs to be above 10500Pi or 11000Pi....
if this is another arena pleas show info......
u have said you have a problem but not given any info for anyone to work with to help....
how often does this happen????
i personally have not seen this happen at all
Are you sure you are not accidentally in then5* featured arena cus i cant think of anything
Winstreak 22
Nope i never play in the 5* featured coz my champs are way too low for that. This has happened to me since the Ironman arena. This time I got the same match thrice in a row and after refreshing, I still got the same b.s
They surely don’t want me to get that domino
All good for the 4* but NOT the Featured I’ve found.
LOL that's a joke right? They used to be in 3 day events, they are not anymore. They used to be in rewards for single quests, they aren't anymore....How the heck are they more available now than before?
Yeah I wouldn’t hold my breathe waiting for Kabam to make changes, give it about a year or two. If there is still a game by then