Unblockable Venompool

Rant Time...
as per usual, I get to the boss on an uncollected chapter 3 level with all my champs. I managed to get the bosses health right down and all of a sudden the AI behaviour changes and I get knocked out.
On the second to last level the VenomPool boss is unblockable below 25%. I got him below 25% with my first champ and was unable to evade/dash back quick enough to avoid his initial lunge when the fight started.
Now, usually in this situation, I will use units to revive and low and behold, AI goes back to normal and they are easy to take down again. This time i'm not and I refuse to put any more money into this game.
Is it not time that we question why AI champs can suddenly lunge further, chain combos without allowing you to react or exhibit other strange behaviours when you are doing too well?
as per usual, I get to the boss on an uncollected chapter 3 level with all my champs. I managed to get the bosses health right down and all of a sudden the AI behaviour changes and I get knocked out.
On the second to last level the VenomPool boss is unblockable below 25%. I got him below 25% with my first champ and was unable to evade/dash back quick enough to avoid his initial lunge when the fight started.
Now, usually in this situation, I will use units to revive and low and behold, AI goes back to normal and they are easy to take down again. This time i'm not and I refuse to put any more money into this game.
Is it not time that we question why AI champs can suddenly lunge further, chain combos without allowing you to react or exhibit other strange behaviours when you are doing too well?
Best way to deal with unblockable 25% Is hit into their block 4 times then dash back an dash in straight away for the backdraft. Intercept. I generally have no problem with it but I really dislike this type of node, just seems like a cheap shot.
How can I hit into their block when I cannot do anything as the fight starts (if I attempt an evade or dash back the lunge always hits me) if I try to intercept he hits me
Becoming uncollected only requires a boat load of revives to beat the collecter once
Or perhaps it shows that algorithms are tweaked for certain players - perhaps those who pay and those who don't? Believe me, I have a lot of experience playing this game and I am telling you that the AI is screwy.
Some examples for you:
1) I didn't get a 4* from a PHC for over 6 months. called Kabam out on it using social media and asked how drops are calculated (this is before apple forced them to publish drop rates). The week after I complained I had 2 4*'s from PHC's and around 5-6 in total in the month following my complaint.
2) I used quake earlier against cable and got his health down to 1-2% using the block/charge method. Went to finish him off with a heavy... it had zero effect (no damage, no pushback etc) despite quake being right against him and as she was in the forward lunge position, he unleashed an SP2 when I was unable to evade.
3) I posted a video last year showing my Wolvie dashing forward whilst I held block. What reason could there be for this? Again, it was towards the end of a monthly event quest where I had got to the end with 5 champs :-/
The game has been like this for months and it seems pretty 50/50 - some people seem to experience it and others don't and those who have never experienced it instantly put it down to player performance (usually people like SuperFarz too who have duped 5/55 blades, duped 5/65 SL's and 6* nebula's! Don't wan't to rock the boat as Kabam's been treating you pretty well
Watch a few Seatin videos when he fights and every so often something goes really weird like a hit not registering, a champ evading midway through being attacked with an SP and he gets a little awkward saying something like "oh, not sure what happened there" and quickly moves on
Corvus Glaive in the last monthly event quest was another like this - unblockable for 6 secs at the beginning and sometimes you could push him back whilst hitting his blocks and other times as soon as the fight started, he would rush you to the edge of the screen and pummel the life out of you :-/
This is all just crazy talk. The first point is RNG. No one gets better drops than anyone else.
Second and third are bugs and device related. There have been many posts about each and they have been working on it.
i tried to save an SP3 when he got to 25%. If i couldn't, i stayed away and intercepted. Either normally or with specials. Backdraft intercepting against him doesn't always go well.
I am 100% F2P, I got 1, 4* from PHC this year and frankly it doesn’t bother me. Don’t think kabam has different rates for every account, tinfoil hat off please. Reasoning like that makes all you posted already not worthy to read upon. Anyways I have had the faire share of issues myself, the dash forward you describe happends still for me ( even this morning). For the champs you see I have 30+ 5* sitting there useless. I never duped any top rated champ and been finishing content for awakening gems to dupe what you see. For blade I had over 100K shards saved for example. Not being able to kill the deadpool is for me just weird, if you don’t intercept well and only are used to parry through content shows where you as a player can improve on. Good luck!
If you have issues, and you have a magik, use her or morningstar or starlord or AA
With magik, use your sp3 on him when he has a lot of physical resist and energy resist buff
Same with morningstar sp2
Easy one shot
Perhaps being 100% F2P has affected the behaviour? You say take the tinfoil hat off but as a developer/programmer, I know that the behaviours exhibited in the game (such as the dash issue or hits being ignored) are either intentional or the result of extremely poor coding practices (either by game programmers or using a flawed game engine).
I'm not suggesting that they would have different rates for every account, but how about different rates for F2P vs P2P vs High level P2P?
I have bought units (though won't any more) for energy so I can bash through content quickly when I have the chance rather than grind out arenas week in week out. Every so often I buy revives out of frustration of getting to the end of a path and having to re-run it because the AI goes weird on the last defender.
The issue is bizarre and just because you have not experienced it, it does not mean that it does not exist.
As previously mentioned, I re-run the same path and it worked fine :-/
I done a run on the final level with goldpool with no trouble at all on one of the more difficult paths, but I can guarantee when I go to do the final run (even if it is the easiest path) I will get KO'd
Do you have Voodoo?
I just used basic attacks and stacked like 30 loas on him then hit a sp1 when he was around 30% and he melted.
Working on it? That dash issue has been around since for over 8 months. for a company pulling six figures a day in revenue it's laughable to believe it is not intentional to leave some of the bugs there.
In 8 months, a company with that much money could have re-written the entire game two times over.
Again, I Will point people over to Fortnite. It is a vastly more complicated game in programming terms, is cross platform/multi-device and bugs that are fundamental to the gameplay are fixed within 1-2 releases of them being spotted.
Uncontrollable random movements in a game based solely on limited user input should be the number one priority. It would be like characters in crossy road randomly jumping into traffic and hipster whale telling people they are working on it for 8 months +
What games/apps have you developed?
I believe the game is poorly coded
Wow, the placebo effect is strong with this one.