Another Modok Bug (he thinks he’s Nightcrawler)

Recently noticed that while attacking into Modok’s block, kind of just like Nightcrawler, he’s able to drop his block in the middle of you hitting it and “evade” you without triggering dexterity. Also after doing this magical “drop block evade” he’s then (like Nightcrawler) able to attack back into you and hit you (though he did not do so in this particular clip).
He can only do that with his auto block. If it's a normal block he can't evade out. It basically means don't attack into his red shield.
@Kabam Miike
@Kabam Wolf
He is bugged. Look up his auto block/parry bug. Stop trying to dismiss this like a troll cause I disagree agree with you
But the question is: should he be able to drop block, evade, attack while he was blocking and me attacking. That’s my issue.
I’m ok with his autoblock. That’s a real mechanic of his abilities. Drop block/evade/attack like a Nightcrawler isn’t a listed ability of his.
LOL! I love this comment cause it sums up Kabam’s 2 faces nature
Drax double hit unintentional but left for 18 months? Sure but we’ll patch it after MANY people waste precious T2A and say it was never in his abilities
MODOK causing random deaths cause of mechanics not in his abilities? “This is fine”
That’s the main reason for my attacking into his block, plus the little bit of block dmg you get on him.
Not bugged and they fixed that. You can parry second red shield or evade. And you are a troll