WeaponXForce looking for a few good men or women! 200k+ preferred

Hi all! We are a fun alliance, 8mil rating, Gold 3, running maps 2-4 depending on donations, war, and availability. We are DAILY players who use Line (REQUIRED) to communicate regularly. We have fun, talk trash, but take AW and AQ seriously. War is almost everyday, as our leader (CallMeLafleur and myself, TigersBlood435) push for max rewards from seasons. We also make an earnest attempt to complete Alliance Events as well to achieve max rewards. Please feel free to reach out to us in game for applying.
Line and ingame
TigersBlood435 (all lowercase in Line)
We look forward to taking over the iso-universe! Come join us!
Line and ingame
TigersBlood435 (all lowercase in Line)
We look forward to taking over the iso-universe! Come join us!