Confusing difference in Cap IW sp2 damage

Fury with 4 kenetic charges, 3x Petrified, 3x weakness, 3x armor break, CRITICAL HIT
5,781 damage
Vs Magneto in master assignment

Fuey with 4 kenetic charges, 1x Petrified, 2x Weakness, 2x Armor break NO crit
11,554 damage
Vs Deadpool in master assignment

Neither have extra nodes. They were back to back fights. Magneto first then deadpool.
Why does the crit vs magneto do half the damage as the non crit vs deadpool when it had stronger fury and more debuffs??
5,781 damage
Vs Magneto in master assignment

Fuey with 4 kenetic charges, 1x Petrified, 2x Weakness, 2x Armor break NO crit
11,554 damage
Vs Deadpool in master assignment

Neither have extra nodes. They were back to back fights. Magneto first then deadpool.
Why does the crit vs magneto do half the damage as the non crit vs deadpool when it had stronger fury and more debuffs??