AQ6 TODAY, need one ASAP (4200+) ✧ 7.7M ✧ Highly Organized & Strategic ✧ TOP TIERS

✓ Looking for 1 ASAP
✓ 7.7M
✓ Highly Organized & Strategic
✓ Tier 1/2 AW (we routinely beat 8, 9, 10M+ alliances)
✓ AQ5 and AQ6
✓ Looking for 4200+ Prestige
— Challengers of the Galaxy
Contact on LINE = orvnn
Contact in-game = orvn
✓ Looking for 1 ASAP
✓ 7.7M
✓ Highly Organized & Strategic
✓ Tier 1/2 AW (we routinely beat 8, 9, 10M+ alliances)
✓ AQ5 and AQ6
✓ Looking for 4200+ Prestige
— Challengers of the Galaxy
Contact on LINE = orvnn
Contact in-game = orvn