Stop with the "silent nerf" nonsense

Just because something doesn't proc for you as much as you'd like it to doesn't mean a champ was silently nerfed.
Not defending Kabam because lord knows they are horrible at communication, but for crying out loud quit whining about everything being silently nerfed.
The majority of the time you're talking out of your rear end and doing nothing, but furthering the false histeria that Kabam is out to get everyone's enjoyment and money from the game.
Not defending Kabam because lord knows they are horrible at communication, but for crying out loud quit whining about everything being silently nerfed.
The majority of the time you're talking out of your rear end and doing nothing, but furthering the false histeria that Kabam is out to get everyone's enjoyment and money from the game.
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OK. So please share your extra infos with us :
"Drax has not been changed" but he now has magical powers to step back while Spidey evades... Waw.
Take a look at the Magik issue, someone realised something was wrong, and immediately on all the forums and every single live stream I was watching, there were people ranting about Kabam nerfing Magik. This was even after they came out and said they were fixing her.
With Iron Man's regen, it came up as a potential bug and the first thing anyone said was that it was a nerf and that Kabam was out to get them. Again, a mod came out and said that yes it was a bug.
When issues like these happen, the problem isn't that it could be a bug, or that we're supporting Kabam and we work for them or whatever, it's that everyone just immediately goes to war. You could argue that the outrage might force Kabam to come out and say whatever, but we'd never know unless someone brings something up that people don't just scream about.
Even when someone misunderstands the game, or doesn't interpret information correctly, what do they do? "KABAM SILENT NERF???? BLADE NERFED????" and hahaha guess what you don't understand how percentages work. The number of times I see something that could literally be said as a polite question, like "why did this ability not work?" (AAR from the opponent) or "why are my scores in arena different from my friend?" (different brackets) it's instead just a straight up "Kabam, you're pretty crappy, this is a cashgrab, screw you and screw the game" (yes there is hyperbole, but that's just because I'm getting a bit tired of it)
You can flip a coin 10 times and get 9 heads. Doesn't mean it's rigged. But the moment something like that happens in the game, someone comes onto the forums and makes a post saying that it's rigged.
That being said, I know not everyone does and I appreciate that some people don't just pull out a pitchfork when one thing goes wrong, I hope that everyone can be like that.
So please, don't jump to conclusions and just ease into issues that you see. It'd benefit the entire player base and Kabam as well.
Well I don't care if fools post threads without thinking... My point is : there were some silent nerfs. Proof is only one comment above. That's my point.
And how do you know that isn't another bug?
Because Miike's response was on one my threads :
The video I linked was showing the same problem.
That's not an answer to this. He was just confirming that Drax is working as intended, by NOT bypassing evade champions.
The evade backwards animation that drax is doing is because the enemy is double evading almost in the same moment. That exists in the game since I remeber.
Don't know if thats intended for drax, but it's nothing new in the game
Loooooooool. Of course it's new !! Drax used to double-hit opponent since he was released...He has NEVER moved backard while opponent was evading. NEVER.
Dude, come on, you can't be serious. Or you haven't play this game for long...
That's how Drax used to work against evade champs :
People are saying that Captain America IW’s L2 can no longer crit while he has the Fury from his heavy. I didn’t believe that at first, but I’ve literally only seen one comment saying otherwise.
Magik power stealing when her opponent had no power was apparently also a bug, but again, if that was the case, they should’ve fixed it a month or so after it was discovered by just about everyone, instead of two whole years later.
I didn’t think the AA thing was a nerf at first because it sounded like a bug fix, but apparently a mod named @Kabam Wolf said it was intentional. Miike says that he was wrong, but no one said “Nope, that’s a bug” until a year later. So people have a right to be pissed about that.
So yeah... gonna have to disagree with you on that.
Here's a little advice, if there's a champ that can get around a game mechanic in a way that isn't in their abilities or description, then it's probably unintentional and there's a good chance it will get resolved at some point. Don't go making upgrade decisions based on something that is likely not working as intended.
Now Blade's danger sense not working against Mordo's astral evade when you have Ghost Rider synergy, but working when you have the Dormomu or Mephisto synergy? That's a bug, probably introduced by whatever they did to the evade ability to fix the double-hit issue. It's not a nerf. They didn't take anything away from Blade. Just an unexpected interaction.
To Kabam, while I understand what you're doing, a little transparency goes a long way. If you just have these things on some sort of list, like the known bugs and issues, then folks will see the writing on the walls and you won't get all these complaints spamming up your message boards. Something like "Hey, we noticed AA was able to stun opponents that are stun immune. It's on our backlog of things to fix." Not that hard to do.
Pure and udder nonsense.
People not understanding that he didn’t only by pass mordo but other evade champs is lacking from most feedback. Funny thing is this month the playerbase has all right to complain. So many changes that weren’t mentioned. Drax/iron mans/ cosmic spidey/ spiderman MM / duck / blade /reversal fix magik back and forth. A lot have been confirmed bug/fixes and intented to work or WIP to fix still but still so many changes that rightfully made the community lose faith in Kabam.
Well first of all, Kabam does not "Nerf" any champs. That is a term the community came up with just like being Kabamed.
The complaints are not about something not proc'ing as often as people want, it's about basic things about champs have been altered that have resulted in a reduction in a champs usefulness. Then being told it's not a bug, or something has not changed to the champs when in fact it is obvious something has in fact occurred.
Example would be the Blade and Mordo interaction with GR synergy. We have been told that that interaction is working as should now, and no changes have been made. The AAR ignoring immunity of dimensional beings does not get extended via synergies. This means that now the Synergy of GR is working as it should, and the Dormammu/Mephisto synergy being able to extend it is in fact the bug.
They are now going to rewrite Blade's description to make it easier to understand. (So yes those of you who use Dormammu/Mpehisto with blade, they will eventually fix this bug I'm sure).
As far as Drax, they said they "enhanced frame rates" which has now resulted in his interaction with auto-evaders, including Mordo to be different. Since they are saying Drax is now working as intended it means there has been a mechanic change that altered his usefulness against auto-evaders like Mordo, Spiderman, NC, ect., and it was intentional that this change have this impact. In the old forums which we can not search, we were told Drax being to bypass Astral evade was a bug, but they liked it so they were going to keep it. Well over a year later, they obviously went back on that statement. Also interesting is that this happened when they released a NEW CHAMP Domino who has a double hit for a first hit
AA being stun a stun immune champ via Neurotoxin was a confirmed to be working as expected. Now they double backed and said it is a bug and it was fixed.
Kabam themselves are the ones feeding the paranoia by doing things like this. The community is just angry at this point.
The end of the current AW season is going to be very telling about either how short people's memories are.
Again, just like the OP has mentioned, the majority of these are not changes but rather bugs. The nature of bugs are as such that they do not know they are going to happen.
The OP is saying we need to all chill out and let kabam fix the bugs rather than just scream nerf every time something is different (or simply appears to be different).
All of this stems from the opinion that kabam is somehow trying to steal as much money as possible while screwing everyone over at the same time. This opinion is 100% false.
Of course they need to make money, but the best way to do that is to keep their player base as happy as possible.