Alliance Wars Matchup needs work

Can we please base matchups on reality instead of giving a team a guaranteed win? My alliance has 7 members, is Bronze 2, War rated 662, and an Alliance Rating of 1.9M (avg member rating 275K). Our current "match"? An alliance with 30 members, is Bronze 1, War rated 493, and an Alliance rating of 13M (avg member rating 444K). Guess what? We aren't going to win.
Even if we had similar ratings, it's a guaranteed win for the other side. 30 ppl against 7? Participation chances are higher for the other team. Which means they automatically get the exploration bonus, the attack bonus, and the defenders remaining bonus( although, honestly, there is no difficulty in AW. Whichever team has the greater participation is going to cinch those 3 bonuses). The only x factors are the defender diversity bonus, which will most likely to go to the team with most participation, but not necessarily, and the battlegroup clears bonus, which will likely cancel each other out.
It's pretty simple. Match evenly rated alliances with similar team sizes. They are out there, but probably busy fighting alliances way above their class with no consideration for handicap to make up for the huge difference in advantage.
Even matchups happen occasionally, but lopsided matchups occur equally as much. It's easily coded to always be closer to equity. Or, put in a mercy button that automatically doles out the rewards and lets us go on to the next fight with a reduced cooldown, rather than make us waste 2 days on an inevitable match.
Even if we had similar ratings, it's a guaranteed win for the other side. 30 ppl against 7? Participation chances are higher for the other team. Which means they automatically get the exploration bonus, the attack bonus, and the defenders remaining bonus( although, honestly, there is no difficulty in AW. Whichever team has the greater participation is going to cinch those 3 bonuses). The only x factors are the defender diversity bonus, which will most likely to go to the team with most participation, but not necessarily, and the battlegroup clears bonus, which will likely cancel each other out.
It's pretty simple. Match evenly rated alliances with similar team sizes. They are out there, but probably busy fighting alliances way above their class with no consideration for handicap to make up for the huge difference in advantage.
Even matchups happen occasionally, but lopsided matchups occur equally as much. It's easily coded to always be closer to equity. Or, put in a mercy button that automatically doles out the rewards and lets us go on to the next fight with a reduced cooldown, rather than make us waste 2 days on an inevitable match.