Domino reduces AA's ability accuracy

Ghostspider231Ghostspider231 Member Posts: 301 ★★★
@Kabam Miike

It specifically states in AA's profile and information that his ability accuracy cannot be reduced by an opponents abilities. He should never trigger domino's signature ability because his abilities should never fail to trigger. Yet I have a 5/65 AA fully duped that gets hammered by Domino's signature ability. He should be able to parry, bleed, etc without any passive damage but it getting critical failure damage consistently.


  • Riggs_97Riggs_97 Member Posts: 111
    Domino is broken. Facing her is a constant degen, a certain death.
  • CoatHang3rCoatHang3r Member Posts: 4,965 ★★★★★
    Domino has basic attacks that are gun shots so they cannot be parried unless you are proxima midnight.

    AA also does not have 100% ability accuracy for his abilites so when they fail their % chance Domino procs her signature ability.

    Perhaps you can upload a video? Because as of right now what you are describing is not outside the realm of how Domino and AA should pair up.
  • Ghostspider231Ghostspider231 Member Posts: 301 ★★★
    Yes AA doesn’t have 100% ability accuracy. But Dominos description says that the critical failure damage results when an ability fails to trigger when it should have implying that when an ability is prevented by Domino it causes the damage.
  • LaylicLaylic Member Posts: 88
    He doesn't have 100% ability accuracy. Well, some of his abilities do but that's an inaccurate way to state it because it makes it seem like his abilities should work every time and that's not the case.

    His ability accuracy cannot be decreased by his opponents abilities. All of his abilities should have the same chance as they would against any other champ whether it's 25%, 40%, 50% or 100% chance.

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