Alliance war matchmaking and horrible customer service

My alliance has started war matchmaking at 730pm CST for well over a year. That's the time that works well for us. People are off work, eat dinner, put kids to bed, then we can war. We always get a match in under 15 mins, over a year, never an issue. This previous Wednesday night, we started war at 730pm CST like always. But for some reason this week, it took almost 4 hours to find a match! Because it took 4 hours, now we miss out on one war this week, we can only do 2 wars instead of 3. This wouldn't be that big of a deal except at the time my alliance was rank #2 in gold 1 with six wars to go. So missing out on this one war will inevitably cost us the platinum rewards.
MOREOVER Wednesday there was a game outage and was also the day that we found out that all the season totals were wrong in the cheating alliances, Kabam had said they would fix them. With over a years worth of data, starting at this time poised no problems. But then magically on this day where there was a game outage and scores were wrong, it takes 4 hours. Something had to be wrong with the matchmaking system, there's no other explanation.
I didn't want to post anything here earlier because I wanted to give Kabam time to rectify the situation. Well I'm sorry to say, Kabam did absolutely nothing. We sent in tickets and we get replies in under 3 minutes with the exact same rhetoric. They don't say sorry, they don't try and make their clients happy, they just say too bad. Any decent human being with any care what-so-ever, would try and help. Any company in the world would try and help their clients, that's the JOB of the customer service department. Kabam is the only company that I've come across in my life that literally does not care about their clients. It's baffling to me how poor and bad it is. That's 30 people's time and money down the drain trying to reach platinum rewards because their systems failed.
I know this seems like I'm complaining (and I am), but I wanted to share this so other people out there don't make the same mistake. Even if 730pm CST works the best for your alliance, you need to start wars earlier. Kabam does not care that you have a job or school. Start your wars as soon as you can so this doesn't happen to you.
I also want to get this out to the community to see if this happened to anyone else. 4 hours to find a match should never happen to any alliance at any level.
Pretty much said to suck it up and searh earlier.