4 star generic awakening gem - Blade or Archangel?

Hi everyone,
I've recently completed Act 4 100% exploration! Managed to get enough 5 star shards and pulled a Gwenpool, very happy about it.
So now I also find myself with a 4 star generic AG and I've got two solid options:
Blade 5/50
Archangel 4/40 at the moment
Which one should I awaken? Next steps are ROL and clearing Act 5.
I'm also saving on mutant T4C to upgrade my 5 star X23, so Archangel wouldn't go up to 5/50 that soon.
Thanks a lot! Hope you had a nice start of the week
I've recently completed Act 4 100% exploration! Managed to get enough 5 star shards and pulled a Gwenpool, very happy about it.
So now I also find myself with a 4 star generic AG and I've got two solid options:
Blade 5/50
Archangel 4/40 at the moment
Which one should I awaken? Next steps are ROL and clearing Act 5.
I'm also saving on mutant T4C to upgrade my 5 star X23, so Archangel wouldn't go up to 5/50 that soon.
Thanks a lot! Hope you had a nice start of the week
If next step for you is ROL duping AA will be super handy for that wolverine in ROL.
My current lineup includes both a 5/50 AA (sig 80) as well as an unawakened 4/55 Blade. When it comes to regen champs like Green Goblin, I will use AA every time (even with class disadvantage).
Blade does gain the regen, so you would save potions in that regard, but you only need it if you get hit.
I don't have blade higher than 3* but I do have a 5/50 awakened AA and he is a monster. Anything bleed or poison immune gets dealt with by quake, the rest of my questing team is just niche or filler.
He was still awesome at 4/40.
Blade might be helpful in Act 5 against the unit nodes because of regen but you have to take block damage to get it, X23 will work well there too, you can use her offensively while regen proc and she probably out damages blade.
If it were me (bearing in mind I don't use blade except in arena) I would awaken AA, R3 X23.