Make certain events relavent again

I don’t know if there are other threads on this topic, but I do know there is an outcry to adjust rewards and make certain events relavent again.

The completion event would be the easiest to fix. The addition of increased difficulties of master and uncollected for monthly events without a higher points per difficulty as well as milestones and rank rewards being unchanged has made this event near obsolete for higher level players. This could easily be resolved by increasing the point worth of the higher level events and then adding additional milestones (existing ones can go unchanged). It would make the event much more fun to participate in.

The duel event is another that could be fixed. Of all of the events, this appears to be on of the most ignored events by upper level alliances. By changing the point earnings to incorporate some type of adder for the opponents PI rating would set apart those that tackle more difficult opponents. Higher points earned for tougher opponents means that additional milestones can be added to incentivize tackling the toughest opponents possible.

So much weight is put on the creation of new content with new champs, monthly events, and other special events, that the existing content has gone ignored and can still be fun to compete in. Please consider making these relavent again.
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