SECOND RANK 5 - 5 Star Champion

Hi, soon i am able to rank 5 my second 5 Star. Very hard for me to decide. Which one you recommend??
Medusa (not duped, but i can use awankening item)
Iceman (duped)
Vision OG (duped but low sig level)
Archangel (not duped, but i can use awankening item)
Hyperion (duped)
Gladiator Hulk (not duped, but i can use awankening item)
Goldpool (just kidding
Medusa (not duped, but i can use awankening item)
Iceman (duped)
Vision OG (duped but low sig level)
Archangel (not duped, but i can use awankening item)
Hyperion (duped)
Gladiator Hulk (not duped, but i can use awankening item)
Goldpool (just kidding

who is your first r5?
Nice! he was mine too. My next r5 (or r2 6*) I kind of want to make sure helps defense. That medusa would definitely be tempting
Concerning Iceman: i do not like his "low" damage output
Same Problem with Vision OG (and very low Sig-Level, i need at least 100 more sig levels)
Hyperion at the moment my favorite
But Medusa also good defender and nice Prestige ...
Mabye i flip a coin?
OG Vis at least is a great power controller and immunity as well as iceman.
The way I see it, as you have LoL at 100%, your rank ups are for your enjoyment, or current content which is AW. If you dont need immunity or power control, my vote would be dusa.
Iceman gets my vote out of all of those. He will always be an amazing champion.
Why not the others?
Hype would be my 2nd choice, amazing damage and good utility (incinerate to go through champs like electro, or nodes as safeguard, he has some healing, etc)
Medusa is losing value fast as people have learnt how to play against her and with all the true strike champs they are adding. She has sooo many counters (Voodoo, MS, KM, Iceman, Void, Hood, Gwenpool, GR, etc), even my 5/65 isn't getting any kills anymore in high tier war (tier 3+). Sometimes she has some when she catches people slipping, but that will only become less and less as time goes on.
And on offense she's not even close to Spark, so I wouldn't r5 her for offense.
Glad Hulk is cool, but with the Mystic nerf coming up he will also lose a lot of value (a lot less Mystics on defense).
AA is gimped by poison/bleed champs/nodes which there are a lot of in AW. I haven't seen anyone take AA into AW for a long time probably for this reason.
OG Vision is cool, very unique lol. But idk what he's like at r5. He will still drain the same power I think, so I doubt he will have much to gain from a rank-up utility-wise.
Medusa > Stark spidey, don’t even @ me. Robot killer, serial bleeder, inhuman synergy for extra attack and 6 furys.
Edit: I saw that you’d be using Medusa for defence, in that case, i’d say Hypes is the best bet.
10 poise charges > all of that. Medusa doesn't even come close to the damage that Spark can dish out in long fights. Just watch any LOL takedown video.
Thank you very much for this superb post!
You almost convinced me. What do you think about my conerns with Iceman (i would use him in offence):
low damage
and my biggest issue: tech champs. Now MS will be nerfed, we will see alot more of those sentinels and IMIW. Last war i timed out against imiw with rank4 Iceman...
Hype is probably going to be my 2nd r5 as well.