Not kick people out of alliances who are at a lower level then you

EthanbEthanb Member Posts: 27
The reason I'm posting this is people are kicking people who are on a really low level out of alliances do not do that I understand if you're doing it for good players but if you did do that you should set a limit like 8 and up stay


  • AppleisgodAppleisgod Member Posts: 1,420 ★★★★
    There is usually always a reason that you are kicked out of an alliance
  • EthanbEthanb Member Posts: 27
    Yes you are correct
  • GunzoGunzo Member Posts: 719 ★★
    Main reason people get kicked out of my alliance:
    -Being AFK too much without saying anything
    -Low contribution
    -No donations
    -Terrible skill in AQ and AW

    Ratings don't matter much in my alliance, some low rated me can still stay if active enough
  • Darkstar4387Darkstar4387 Member Posts: 2,145 ★★★
    There's all kinds of reasons why people get kicked including being to low for the allaince, or they don't contribute in events, don't participate in wars and quest, being inactive for x amount of time, not following orders, or just playing badly, finding a better player, etc

    It really varies by alliance and their leadership, some are really strict, others are in the middle and some are to lax and let their alliance go to ****.

    If you get kicked out for that just find a different alliance that is more your speed and stick with them for however long you wish.

  • OzzieontOzzieont Member Posts: 239
    if you get kick find yourself another alliance there is plenty of them in the game , and if you consider that they kick you without a reason why you want to argue if they didnt respect you as a person as a player so they not worthy of you
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