Iceman Coldsnap AW buff

Hi everyone,
I'm facing an Iceman in AW as the boss and his Coldsnap from his signature is doing way more damage than it should. It's a 4* at sig 56 so his ability description says it should do 1702.4 damage over 12 seconds which should make it two ticks per second of 71 damage apiece.
He's actually doing two ticks a second of 396 damage apiece for a total of 9504 damage, or 5.6 times more damage than it should be doing. From the mini-boss nodes he's getting +475% attack so it seems pretty obvious that his Coldsnap is scaling with his attack rating.
Is this intended? The Coldsnap damage is a flat value, not a percentage of his attack. Should I expect that other champions will have their non-buff based flat values similarly increased if they are placed as bosses? Mephisto's Aura damage, damage, Hulk's bonus damage from his signature, etc.?
I haven't done any secondary research yet to see if this is happening on all nodes, or just the boss node.
Not trying to whine, just trying to get to the bottom of this so I know if it's a bug, or something unique to Iceman, or something I can apply generally and strategize around when choosing defenders.
Thanks for the info!
I'm facing an Iceman in AW as the boss and his Coldsnap from his signature is doing way more damage than it should. It's a 4* at sig 56 so his ability description says it should do 1702.4 damage over 12 seconds which should make it two ticks per second of 71 damage apiece.
He's actually doing two ticks a second of 396 damage apiece for a total of 9504 damage, or 5.6 times more damage than it should be doing. From the mini-boss nodes he's getting +475% attack so it seems pretty obvious that his Coldsnap is scaling with his attack rating.
Is this intended? The Coldsnap damage is a flat value, not a percentage of his attack. Should I expect that other champions will have their non-buff based flat values similarly increased if they are placed as bosses? Mephisto's Aura damage, damage, Hulk's bonus damage from his signature, etc.?
I haven't done any secondary research yet to see if this is happening on all nodes, or just the boss node.
Not trying to whine, just trying to get to the bottom of this so I know if it's a bug, or something unique to Iceman, or something I can apply generally and strategize around when choosing defenders.
Thanks for the info!