Mystic dispersion being nerfed so how bout 2 mystic rank down tickets

LegendOGDLegendOGD Member Posts: 19
I'm not one to beg for rank down tickets but if mystic dispersion is being nerfed and changed in any way even just not affecting dexterity I would like 1 or 2 mystic rank down tickets so I can bring my weakened champs down, as in they weren't weakened by me but by kabam changing how mystic dispersion affects the game. Also magik got her silent nerf too which the community absolutely hates when you do that kabam.


  • Kabam MiikeKabam Miike Moderator Posts: 8,268
    We've addressed this in other threads.

    As you know if you are part of the Beta, absolutely nothing is finalized right now. This is why we're doing the Beta Test; to gather feedback on these potential changes. What the final result of the test will be depends on what our Testers have to say about the changes themselves.

    We are not going to discuss any other ramifications until we actually know what the plan is, and we are nowhere close to that at this point. Please remember to keep all discussions surrounding the Beta in the Beta Forums.
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