AW ISSUE causing some alliances to miss one WAR before season ends - MODS please check/react/help

We tried to search for AW enemy and we started at 1:45 AM CEST. Our enemy was found at 4:30 AM CEST (almost 3 hours later huh). There are a few alliances that will probably miss one war due to this issue. I am asking a MOD to check it please, extend this window for a few hours (it won't cause any other alliance to run more wars) because as u know one war is lot of points and it can change dramatically whole AW season. Can I have some response from a MOD please? Thanks in advance!
We tried to search for AW enemy and we started at 1:45 AM CEST. Our enemy was found at 4:30 AM CEST (almost 3 hours later huh). There are a few alliances that will probably miss one war due to this issue. I am asking a MOD to check it please, extend this window for a few hours (it won't cause any other alliance to run more wars) because as u know one war is lot of points and it can change dramatically whole AW season. Can I have some response from a MOD please? Thanks in advance!
where are u guys?
But I also agree that this is the least of our worries. There seems to be an underlying issue where it's not just alliances taking advantage of a flawed system, or Kabam creating and maintaining a flawed system, but the possibility that Kabam is in communication with dishonest practices.
At this point it's not about individual rewards, but if the creators of the game itself can be trusted. I'd love to hear Kabam's response so that all of these questions can be clarified. I'm sure many of their other CLIENTs feel the same way.
You can't find a mach veforee 3 hours only if you start looking for it too late and have high war rating. This is to prevent allies from alwais getting easy matchups through all season. The more you win said easy allies, the more your rating will raise till the point you ll be forced to match istantly as soon as matchmaking starts.
Not knowing that or knowing it hoping you'd find match regardless is a mistake on your leadership's end not kabam's. The system grants that high rated allies are high rated cause they can match their sisters, not cause they can march over ants.
But, just making the point that not all alliances that hold off of starting matchmaking right away are doing so for some advantage in opponent. For us it's a logistical necessity or else we can't have the activity across the team to compete right since it's the middle of the night for some members.