Game Updates Wish List

I have been a long time player of MCOC playing off and on but I’m new to the forum. So what’s up!! The reason I’ve finally come to the forum is because I wanted to voice some changes I would like to see. The game has changed drastically since I first joined and I think it needs a few tweaks and updates.
1) Update older characters. The release of all these new characters a lot of older characters so inferior that they no longer have any realistic uses. I just want to see some of the original MCOC characters have some uses. These could come in updated synergies (similar to the character specific ones the new characters have) or just slight small buffs in the form persistent charges, changing the mechanics, etc. here are some of the changes I want to see. If this post gains any traction please add
- Make Gamoras special ability available more than once per fight
- Give Deadpool X-force some type of regeneration (that is his main power...) I don’t care if this comes as intervals or something similar to X-23s
- Make Guillotines souls easier to obtain/not expire (I think a persistent charge would be a cool feature for her)
- Give iron fist some type of fury or something that increase his attack based on the combo meter
- Give Black Panther CW some sort of bleed on regular hits
- Increase Daredevils evade based on crit stacks
- Just please fully redo carnage that was an atrocity
- make storm shock immune and make shock power her specials
- give cyclops a incinerate debuff after specials
- Make ghostrider/ dormamu incinerate immune (considering they are on fire already)
- give Loki some form of ability reduction or some thing that would play on his god of mischief
- update dr strange so he is a bit more useful (a bit biased he is my favorite marvel character)
- update the Ironman/Spider-Man lineage
of course there are more but these are the obvious ones to me. I’m in full support of doing small changes that would make these characters useful/ updating synergies to incentivize using them
2) update animations give older characters some more spark when doing things
3) make an option to opt out of the special 3 animations in settings
4) update the PHCs maybe an uncollected one that is slightly better do it similar to how uncollected duel crystals work
5) make a universal Class Catalyst (of course make them harder to obtain but I think that would be a cool feature
6) make some new masteries/ allow us to have more than one mastery setup currently there is no reason to unlock specific masteries
7) Make some champs immune to electros energy damage (champs that are shock immune)/ make more champs immune to coldsnap
8) make some change to how energy works maybe allow the play to regain energy based on arena or some commerce that it is reliant on the player
9) give players some kind of incentive to do more duels like gold incentives
10) update alliance interactions add metrics that show alliance MVP for the week based on input to the alliance, allow pinned messages in chat, allow alliance notifications in mail from leaders/officers, introduce a liking feature in the chat (I wanna know what the people think), show more information about when people joined the alliance, etc
Well that’s my list there are more things but I think the game needs a few updates thanks for reading to anyone that made it this far I know it’s a cumbersome post. Hope it gains traction have a good day
1) Update older characters. The release of all these new characters a lot of older characters so inferior that they no longer have any realistic uses. I just want to see some of the original MCOC characters have some uses. These could come in updated synergies (similar to the character specific ones the new characters have) or just slight small buffs in the form persistent charges, changing the mechanics, etc. here are some of the changes I want to see. If this post gains any traction please add
- Make Gamoras special ability available more than once per fight
- Give Deadpool X-force some type of regeneration (that is his main power...) I don’t care if this comes as intervals or something similar to X-23s
- Make Guillotines souls easier to obtain/not expire (I think a persistent charge would be a cool feature for her)
- Give iron fist some type of fury or something that increase his attack based on the combo meter
- Give Black Panther CW some sort of bleed on regular hits
- Increase Daredevils evade based on crit stacks
- Just please fully redo carnage that was an atrocity
- make storm shock immune and make shock power her specials
- give cyclops a incinerate debuff after specials
- Make ghostrider/ dormamu incinerate immune (considering they are on fire already)
- give Loki some form of ability reduction or some thing that would play on his god of mischief
- update dr strange so he is a bit more useful (a bit biased he is my favorite marvel character)
- update the Ironman/Spider-Man lineage
of course there are more but these are the obvious ones to me. I’m in full support of doing small changes that would make these characters useful/ updating synergies to incentivize using them
2) update animations give older characters some more spark when doing things
3) make an option to opt out of the special 3 animations in settings
4) update the PHCs maybe an uncollected one that is slightly better do it similar to how uncollected duel crystals work
5) make a universal Class Catalyst (of course make them harder to obtain but I think that would be a cool feature
6) make some new masteries/ allow us to have more than one mastery setup currently there is no reason to unlock specific masteries
7) Make some champs immune to electros energy damage (champs that are shock immune)/ make more champs immune to coldsnap
8) make some change to how energy works maybe allow the play to regain energy based on arena or some commerce that it is reliant on the player
9) give players some kind of incentive to do more duels like gold incentives
10) update alliance interactions add metrics that show alliance MVP for the week based on input to the alliance, allow pinned messages in chat, allow alliance notifications in mail from leaders/officers, introduce a liking feature in the chat (I wanna know what the people think), show more information about when people joined the alliance, etc
Well that’s my list there are more things but I think the game needs a few updates thanks for reading to anyone that made it this far I know it’s a cumbersome post. Hope it gains traction have a good day