Mrwarren96Mrwarren96 Member Posts: 456 ★★
Ive just experienced what i think to be a massive bug with gwenpool!

In war right now and fighting a spiderman (OG) boss and decided to revive my gwenpool as i knew she'd survive one or two sp1s, but to my amazement i was killed by the first one?? My gwenpool is duped level 69+ so that allows her to continuesly survive specials no matter the special unless it inflicts a damage over time debuff which spideys doesnt..

Is anyone experiencing this or is it just me??

This is one of gwenpools most valuble features and has just screwed me in war cost me bonus points and also one of the main reasons i took her rank5 and also many other people aswell..


  • SpeedbumpSpeedbump Member Posts: 1,520 ★★★
    I'm sure there is a mastery that helps defeat ability accuracy.....hmmm if only I could remember...
  • RicardobaltoRicardobalto Member Posts: 238
    That would be assassin
  • TKS87TKS87 Member Posts: 375 ★★★
    Yeah, this is a case of the opposing player having assassin.. Ability accuracy reduction when you're under 18% health.. In quests this won't happen, you'd survive but in war you're playing against people who have masteries
  • FrostyFrosty Member Posts: 485 ★★★
    In war your opponent may have assassin mastery which can negate GP sig ability
  • Mrwarren96Mrwarren96 Member Posts: 456 ★★
    Speedbump wrote: »
    I'm sure there is a mastery that helps defeat ability accuracy.....hmmm if only I could remember...

    No need for the sacasm... twat.
  • Mrwarren96Mrwarren96 Member Posts: 456 ★★
    Cheers for the info guys i didnt realise assassin done that but good to know for future fights cheers
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