Overflow catalysts showing wrong tier

Crine60Crine60 Member Posts: 1,447 ★★★★
This has been happening intermittently for at least a month. I go to my overflow stash of catalysts to see what I need to sell in my main stash and it shows me a specific tier of catalyst that once I sell from my main stash suddenly is no longer the same tier and I am now missing a full supply when I claim overflow.

For example today I had 2 cosmic tier 3 cats expiring so I sold 2 from my main stash and then when I went back to overflow it was suddenly 1 tier 3 cat and 1 tier 2 cat instead of the 2 tier 3 that originally appeared.


  • GamerGamer Member Posts: 11,472 ★★★★★
    It a bit anoying but fast tip when u goss to you stash move to you iso and back to calyste it shuld refresh what u hav and the rigtig one
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