Monthly Event Paths

This monthly event seemed extremely lacking, especially with the rewards and energy consumption, compared to the last few, but I did notice one thing that was really annoying. The paths for chapter two were pretty extensive for Normal difficulty, and really stopped me from wanting to play on with the event.
Am I the only one that feels this way? The storyline of this event was hilarious as expected, but hopefully AM&TW monthly event in a little over a week will be much better.
Am I the only one that feels this way? The storyline of this event was hilarious as expected, but hopefully AM&TW monthly event in a little over a week will be much better.
But regardless, I understand why Kabam did this. The last few Months events were extensive and difficult. Even Uncollected players struggled with Master Thanos. I am thankful for Kabam's decision not to kill us with another Beyond God Tier Boss.