Alliance war seasons

Hello guys, can you tell me how we get into season bracket, i join the alliance which was in silver 1 and has rank almost 400. Then we win 8 consecutive war and are not beaten until now but our rank is almost in 500. Winning war should increase our rank. Then we we move backward?
I can't think at another reason why your rating didn't go up more than 100 points.
You can also check the war history to see exactly how many rating points you won in each war.
Winning is just one component to scoring points in a season.
Factors include:
how many bgs you are running.
attack bonus (how many times you died)
getting every boss down
your remaining defenders
diversity of your defense and of course
winning or losing
Those are the 6 ways off the top of my head of how score is calculated
The allys that passed you did better in those categories