New AW focused alliance recruiting recruiting strong veteran players for season 3!

Tired of AQ 5x5? But still serious about AW? Well then, you are in luck! I have started a new semi-retired alliance for the Elite Warriors, for those with 5000 prestige or more.
Join the Elite today!

Who are we? We are the [EWØTB] Elite Warrior øf the Battlerealm!

About us:
- Heavy AW focus
- AQ map 3x5
- NO donations
- NO event minimums (participation is appreciated)

About you:
- 5000 prestige
- at least 2 5* at R4
- Active in AW
- Able to clear paths with little to no deaths
- Great communication
- Line required

Contact if interested.
Ingame: Andlow94
Line: andlow1


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