Any way I could be more prepared for realm of legends?

Mr_WiffMr_Wiff Member Posts: 244
edited June 2017 in Strategy and Tips

Also have like 30 free 4 hour crystal saved. My team will be 4* star lord, X23, storm and magneto and a 3* guillotine.


  • ThawnimThawnim Member Posts: 1,461 ★★★★
    You should be okay if you can handle lengthy fights and keep your hit streak. With a regen champ you should not need too many potions unless you mess up and have to revive.
  • MegaSkater67MegaSkater67 Member Posts: 1,380 ★★★★
    edited June 2017
    That should work, though when I did it i regretted not bringing a poison immune. SW took 9 out of the 10 revives I used on ROL. Just be patient and play safe, no rush. MD will help you with Guillotine for wolverine. Regen from x-23 should keep you going for quite a while if star lord gets low. Good luck
  • Mr_WiffMr_Wiff Member Posts: 244
    Thanks guys.
  • WilliamJakesWilliamJakes Member Posts: 75
    You're gonna do great!
  • hero3hero3 Member Posts: 112
    having a bit more units for security would be nice..
    i had way less revives n pots but had about 2500k units. only ended up using about 700 tho, but peace of mind thing...
    hardest to note were juggs, SW and wolverine (easy but hard if you understand). they dont have SP3 so just hammer away.

    who your team?
  • RealPastorRealPastor Member Posts: 82
    Same problem. Should I take Magik (dupped) for Juggs and Hyperion (undupped) for SW? Mine are 4/40. Or x-23 and dupped SL will be enough?
  • SirnoobSirnoob Member Posts: 952 ★★★
    edited June 2017
    Might want to wait till u get a 4star gully duped recently did realm myself not one potion Brought had to use a few lv5 potions I had in Stock since I kinda screwed up on Rhino
  • OltorfOltorf Member Posts: 34
    The fight is easy just need guilly for wolv. I used a 3 star guilly. SW for every other fight. SL better.

    For the SW fight. Have 1 mastery in mending. Or bring a poison immune.
  • DrZolaDrZola Member Posts: 9,451 ★★★★★
    Outside of SL, Gully and someone to manage SW are what you need. Or if you can maintain a high combo count for Wolvie, Guilly not needed.

    Dr. Zola
  • Ascoop24Ascoop24 Member Posts: 128 ★★★
    If you have crossbones you won't need a poison immune for sw he doesn't give critical hits. So she doesn't proc anything
  • Josh2PlayJosh2Play Member Posts: 115
    Don't be scared about wolverine, yes he is tough but i managed to do it with a 2* guilly so you should have no problems.
  • Mr_WiffMr_Wiff Member Posts: 244
    Ascoop24 wrote: »
    If you have crossbones you won't need a poison immune for sw he doesn't give critical hits. So she doesn't proc anything

    OK long story short I gave up. Anticlimactic I know but my alliance members all said to wait until it will be a breez. Scarlet Witch was always going to be my problem. Crossbones sounds like a god plan to wait for.
  • AddyosAddyos Member Posts: 1,098 ★★★★
    edited July 2017
    You gave up? With all those revives and potions? If you had difficulties with Wolverine I can understand, since Guillotine's souls can expire before you can reach her sp2. But even if your SL or X-23 is only a 4*, RoL IS a breeze once you have them in a crit team and are able to maintain SL's combo.

    Heck I did RoL in under an hour with a 4/40 4* SL and a mutant crit team (Wolverine, Magneto, Cyclops) with Guillotine for Wolverine. SW was no problem because her poison debuff never lasted long to cause fatal damage. I had more problems evading her Sp1 more than anything.

    Unless you are waiting for 6*'s to come in the game before beating RoL, now is the best time to beat it with the current 10% boost to heath and damage. Good luck in any future attempts.
  • Mr_WiffMr_Wiff Member Posts: 244
    Until i get a phone without so much lag I wont be doing it. I kept failing winter soldier. I have managed him before but the lag just cost me. wasn't prepared to use potions on the easiest fight.
  • ThawnimThawnim Member Posts: 1,461 ★★★★
    Mr_Wiff wrote: »
    Until i get a phone without so much lag I wont be doing it. I kept failing winter soldier. I have managed him before but the lag just cost me. wasn't prepared to use potions on the easiest fight.

    Who were you using again?
  • Mr_WiffMr_Wiff Member Posts: 244
    4 Star 5/50 star lord mostly on a magneto crit damage team. with guillotine for wolvie.
  • MayhemMayhem Member Posts: 91
    You should be able to get to Juggs without any health potions. After you can do that, I would say you're ready. WS is a pain now just because of his L2, but other than that, he is easy. They are just long fights. I ran it the day 12.0 came out and beat it with 2 revives and the 2 revives were because Wolvie refused to proc regen. Once he did he was the fastest fight.
  • MayhemMayhem Member Posts: 91
    You should be able to get to Juggs without any health potions. After you can do that, I would say you're ready. WS is a pain now just because of his L2, but other than that, he is easy. They are just long fights. I ran it the day 12.0 came out and beat it with 2 revives and the 2 revives were because Wolvie refused to proc regen. Once he did he was the fastest fight.
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