Corvus's Armor Break not working properly

So I just pulled 6* Corvus. Yeah, yeah, be jealous.
But something was off when I was using him in quests-whether or not he had parried and armor broken a character did not affect the damage of his attacks in the slightest.
For example, against the Master Hood boss of 2.2, both before and after a break, Corvus did exactly 2,890 damage with his guaranteed critical hit (and some persistent charges).
Armor Break increases the damage I do to enemies, right? What's going on there?
But something was off when I was using him in quests-whether or not he had parried and armor broken a character did not affect the damage of his attacks in the slightest.
For example, against the Master Hood boss of 2.2, both before and after a break, Corvus did exactly 2,890 damage with his guaranteed critical hit (and some persistent charges).
Armor Break increases the damage I do to enemies, right? What's going on there?
Corvus armour break is far more for utility than damage. It does the amount of armour break equivalent to the number of armour up buffs. So fighting IMIW it removes all stacks, if he has 10 armour stacks, it does 10 armour breaks and that’s where the good damage comes from.
Even so, there is an armor break present, so unless the armor break was aesthetic, aka 0, there should be SOME damage increase. Something about that is a bit off.
Ok let me explain a bit more. Corvus has an armour break that removes 350 armour rating. Just looking at my top 5 champs, they all have armour ratings of about 450. So my theory is that since Corvus armour break only reduces their armour to 100, and not negative, there is no increase in damage until 2 armour breaks are inflicted.
Additionally, Hyperion has an armour rating of 300, so corvus armour break reduces his armour rating to negative (-50) and I’ve just tested and one armour break does increase Corvus attack from 1200 to 1400. It’s all to do with how weak Corvus’ armour break is
I don't think that makes sense...
If that were the case, armor rating would simply be 'resistance to armor break'. But a hit to Colossus clearly does less damage than a hit to, say, Elektra, who has much less armor, yet has armor nonetheless.
And what about Karnak, who has no armor? Even then a single armor break is not increasing damage.
I thought that too, but then why does corvus do more damage when getting 1 armour break on Hyperion? I feel like it can’t be a coincidence that hyp is the only champ that I’ve tested that has an armour rating of less than the reduction Corvus armour break causes.
Corvus sees armor as zero when his charges are up but the armor rating is still there so he needs his armor break to bring it below zero before he sees an increase in damage.
If Corvus's first armor break does not drop the enemy below 0 armor, then his damage does not increase because his glaive already ignores all armor. But if there's multiple, then it DID drop below 0 (usually) and Corvus will begin to deal more as negative armor still increases damage done to the champion.
Looks like I goofed. Admittedly, Corvus's 6* is the first Corvus I've obtained, so I was still unfamiliar with how he worked.