Auto deduction of treasury dues

barking_spyders1barking_spyders1 Member Posts: 99
edited June 2018 in Suggestions and Requests
This technology is so very old. Was playing Dark Age of Camelot back in 1998. If you belong to a Guild (same as our Alliance). Everytime you beat something it automatically deducted a percent of your reward and deposited it in to your Guilds (Alliance) account. This would solve so many time of us having to chase down non payers. Auto deducted when the claimed rewards also. So very old technology.


  • FallingKingdomsFallingKingdoms Member Posts: 26
    I don't think this is a good idea. Leaders and officers could abuse this and force players to have massive amounts of currency auto magically deducted from their account when they cannot afford it. This could also be exploited right before somebody is kicked. This mechanic is extremely risky and extremely easy to be abused by irresponsible leaders. This would be extremely problematic and I know that many players (including myself) would be uncomfortable with other players having the option to automatically take some of my resources.
  • barking_spyders1barking_spyders1 Member Posts: 99
    That being said then the player would have to option of leaving that Alliance. How would a Alliance stay a Alliance if it cheated its members? Answer It wouldn’t members would flee in flocks if it cheated its members.
  • barking_spyders1barking_spyders1 Member Posts: 99
    edited June 2018
    I see you have never played any mmorpg all of them are set up this way. People flock to be members of Alliances where there not having to flog people to do there part. Its not taken out of there accounts anyway its auto deducted from the kills right then and there
  • Dexman1349Dexman1349 Member Posts: 3,060 ★★★★★
    your proposal makes the assumption that we all play the game at equal levels.

    Some of us will grind 200 fights a day through arenas, monthly EQ, story mode, etc... while others will only really log in for AQ & AW. Would I then be forced to pay more?
  • barking_spyders1barking_spyders1 Member Posts: 99
    As before I see you’ve never played mmorpg before have ya.
  • Dexman1349Dexman1349 Member Posts: 3,060 ★★★★★
    lol, I had to google what mmorpg meant...

    Looks like you're trying to overly complicate something that is more simply managed in it's current state.

    I honestly prefer the simpler racing or single-player games. Need For Speed, Skyrim, Final Fantasy, Red Dead Redemption.
  • barking_spyders1barking_spyders1 Member Posts: 99
    edited July 2018
    Well you posted you though if you grind more than someone else then why should you pay more? Welcome to the real world. You make more you pay more. Life isnt a box of chocolates, its pay your taxes lol. I guess its just our Alliance that has a problem getting people to pay on time or pay at all. Sure wish I knew how you all do it. We were gold 1 last season and seen many good players get the boot because they just wouldn’t contribute their fair share of dues. Everyone wants the benefit of the rewards but dosent want to pay to get them.
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