Auto deduction of treasury dues

This technology is so very old. Was playing Dark Age of Camelot back in 1998. If you belong to a Guild (same as our Alliance). Everytime you beat something it automatically deducted a percent of your reward and deposited it in to your Guilds (Alliance) account. This would solve so many time of us having to chase down non payers. Auto deducted when the claimed rewards also. So very old technology.
Some of us will grind 200 fights a day through arenas, monthly EQ, story mode, etc... while others will only really log in for AQ & AW. Would I then be forced to pay more?
Looks like you're trying to overly complicate something that is more simply managed in it's current state.
I honestly prefer the simpler racing or single-player games. Need For Speed, Skyrim, Final Fantasy, Red Dead Redemption.