I am opening a CAN of worms Here...
We recently got Penalized Because someone Piloted....We dropped from GOLD 1 To GOLD 2...
Why not tell us who did the Piloting to get the Sucker out of the alliance...
However we figured out who it was and we addressed it...
With the game being so competitive, and KABAM making sure that there is always bugs etc to make money on revives and units etc... why not allow guys to get piloted....
this particular instance, the gentleman had to work a double shift... as most of your community are working earning salaries.... and could not get onto the GAME... and this particular gent got a friend to log in and complete his path, as he had no time..... why should he be punished when he is looking out for the alliance and 29 other guys.... why punish him... when he added the final 5% in exploration to get us to win.... we are based all over the world and time zones and work schedules do differ from day to day basis....
yes people will take advantage and get more skilled players to complete harder content for them... but is that not on their own terms? where is the fairness in depriving guys from that.... skill is something you can obtain up to a certain level... some guys just dont get better, why penalize them if they cant get better, must this now mean they must fork out $$$$ to complete, where other guys pass on skill.... it would not be the worst move to legalize piloting...
a customer is a customer weather they have been piloted or not, your statement when funds come in does not differentiate between Piloted accounts and normal accounts... why knowingly drop people into the red....
Does steam or netflix or showbox penalize you for loging in on another device?
fine you want to make money... i understand.... but come on guys.... what has piloting in WARS and AQ changed?
We are all paying to play this game weather its been on DATA, UNITs, REvives or whatever the case may be.... you still get paid...
allow guys to choose what they do with their accounts they paid for....
ive been on the other end of this where i agreed.. ban or punish the guys that pilot... but why... when faced with the same situation i would like to hand logins to 1 or 2 people so they can run that path for me when i am not available... or out where there is no signal... in stead of stressing, taking toilet breaks at work to remove a quick link etc.... you guys have a great game ill give you that.... but come on guys look at it from that point... we all want the rewards, we dont all want to spend $1000's.... but were happy spending $100's
We recently got Penalized Because someone Piloted....We dropped from GOLD 1 To GOLD 2...
Why not tell us who did the Piloting to get the Sucker out of the alliance...
However we figured out who it was and we addressed it...
With the game being so competitive, and KABAM making sure that there is always bugs etc to make money on revives and units etc... why not allow guys to get piloted....
this particular instance, the gentleman had to work a double shift... as most of your community are working earning salaries.... and could not get onto the GAME... and this particular gent got a friend to log in and complete his path, as he had no time..... why should he be punished when he is looking out for the alliance and 29 other guys.... why punish him... when he added the final 5% in exploration to get us to win.... we are based all over the world and time zones and work schedules do differ from day to day basis....
yes people will take advantage and get more skilled players to complete harder content for them... but is that not on their own terms? where is the fairness in depriving guys from that.... skill is something you can obtain up to a certain level... some guys just dont get better, why penalize them if they cant get better, must this now mean they must fork out $$$$ to complete, where other guys pass on skill.... it would not be the worst move to legalize piloting...
a customer is a customer weather they have been piloted or not, your statement when funds come in does not differentiate between Piloted accounts and normal accounts... why knowingly drop people into the red....
Does steam or netflix or showbox penalize you for loging in on another device?
fine you want to make money... i understand.... but come on guys.... what has piloting in WARS and AQ changed?
We are all paying to play this game weather its been on DATA, UNITs, REvives or whatever the case may be.... you still get paid...
allow guys to choose what they do with their accounts they paid for....
ive been on the other end of this where i agreed.. ban or punish the guys that pilot... but why... when faced with the same situation i would like to hand logins to 1 or 2 people so they can run that path for me when i am not available... or out where there is no signal... in stead of stressing, taking toilet breaks at work to remove a quick link etc.... you guys have a great game ill give you that.... but come on guys look at it from that point... we all want the rewards, we dont all want to spend $1000's.... but were happy spending $100's
Why in the world would this even be fun for YOU?
You want to enjoy rewards others obtained for you?
In what way can you even say that you PLAY the game?
You login from time to time and admire the heroes and how strong others made you?
Granted some people will abuse it, however thats the guys fighting' problems... either way KABAM stil gets paid... all i am saying is why not look into it and try find a way to controll it... like with canibis use... i bought a gifting badge ages ago, dont think they are available for purchase anymore... but needles to say i paid for it... why not have a pilot badge you pay units for or whatever... when its legal there can be ways to controll and curb it....
Basically all i am saying is why not look into it... the whole alliance got pissed off cause we dropped a tier and ended up losing some major rewards, but at the same time we understand the dilema.... do you tell your boss sorry you cant work a double cause you have an alliance war going?
You cant tell me you have not been faced with the situation where you did not have to go sit in a toilet to drop a link
if Kabam can make a plan for that it would be superb, and would really help a lot of alliances in that effect... we all have personal lives and get cranked up over someone missing a path cause he was out of reception area or whatever.....?
@Kabam Miike any comments?
No. I don't understand. Play what you can when you can and get rewarded for THAT.
There are no excuses for wanting more and doing nothing.
That's just plain greed and people started to cheat regular players only because they wanted more and more even though they didn't deserved it.
And the fact that you are looking from a selfish perspective, one that is okay for you, but doesn't take into consideration the ones that play the game within the rules' boundaries... says a lot about you.
stand up act...
It doesn’t matter the circumstances.. if the guy didn’t feel comfortable enough to let the alliance know he had a double shift and decided to cheat instead.. that says a lot about the kind of alliance you have.. and @NoOnexRO stated- your entire argument says a lot about you..
but maybe you guys are in low level activity or low war rating alliance where its accepted to be offline for hours on end, but in the higher tiers, 1 uncompleted node or even an extra death on a mini can cost you the war... and taking everyones time zones into consideration with their work schedules....., orchestrating that can be unpredictable at most of times.... and it really is a second job....
Hopefully with Defender Diversity and Attack bonus some of that issue gets resolved...
the whole intention of this post was to hear what Kabam has to say about this.... and if they would consider being flexible... and not to be attacked by guys that don't know the circumstances of the events that unfolded... and clearly not looking at a solution... just criticizing...
I cannot spend hundreds of hours in arenas to win a 4* hero so I make a thread asking Kabam to stop others to reach the milestones I can't... or simply I let other players to grind for me.
I cannot take down a boss in AQ but I have powerful heroes so I pass the credentials to a colleague and he will do the job for me.
I don't have time to fight in AW just because my boss/wife doesn't really care about a stupid game I'm playing so... again, I ask other to be me and do what I suppose to do.
Do you even understand how illogical this is?
There are tens of threads that suggest the ToS be adjusted and if a mod did answered they simply said that "these are the rules folks" and closed the thread. You won't see Miike or anyone else saying what you want to hear.
Honestly speaking it takes less than 30 mins in total in 24 hours to complete one's job in war... one who says cant have that much of a time should quit playing mcoc..
everyone those wants piloting back in action actually less skilled so wants other skillful players do the fights on their account so that they can get the rewards unethically.. sorry folks this is the truth and kabam is doing great to prevent cheating...
I’ll make sure to keep in mind this week while I am working my 60 hour work week that’s its ok to cheat just because I’m working..
This entire thread is ludicrous- lol
I think you have to lossen up your hat. I think it’s cutting off blood to your brain.
why not.. practice and if you cant play for yourself download candy crush and try that. Lack of skill isnt an excuse to cheat. You deserve what you got and the ban should've been worse.
Maybe your alliance mate should have communicated better so you knew he had to work a double shift and then adjust paths to where it would work out. Not only that but theres 24 hours in a war, should be plenty of time for him to move. Theres not instance where someone HAS to move someone else if there is good communication and planning. You got what you deserved.
I think you need to loosen your hat . It’s cutting off blood to your brain. If a professional athlete gets hurt . Is it ok to have a player from a different team take his or her place. No they have to make do with the players they have . Take a deep breath and think about this again
i’m a pilot and i fly very often. sometimes i don’t get to move as i fly over 15 hours str8. So asking a favour from a team member to help me complete my path should not be seen like i’m a **** up player. It goes to tell that this way of punishing to the players reflects a lot about Kabam and it’s management.
And people who condemned whoever piloting, please take some time and have some empathy, when **** doesn’t happen to you it doesn’t mean it never will. Don’t be an ****, be civilize and try be on others shoes.
thank you and peace out
I supposed you comparing an apple
to an orange. Please use some logic when trying to correct someone else.
This is ridiculous... piloting is cheating- giving anyone else you login info is against the TOS.. logging in and giving you phone to someone else(although unprovable) is still against the TOS..
Everyone that plays this game has the same TOS.. you are on here wanting sympathy for doing something that breaks the TOS..
Is it fair? Maybe not.. but still against the TOS.. and will always be against the TOS until it is changed. Which will not happen.
Quit complaining about a games rules that were the same rules when you downloaded the game and agreed to them..
Holy ****- it’s a freakin GAME
That's why Kabam can't afford it, but also it just doesn't make sense. Pretty much every game is designed to reward you for the amount of hours you shove into it, the more you can the better the rewards. In doing so, the big whales that are in this game only get like that because of how much time and money they lose to this game, anyone with a life or a job simply can't live up to the big whale profiles because they have to prioritise and put life first. That's also why these high top-tier alliance kick anyone who isn't able to prioritise this game above their own personal life.
I know this game is addictive but try and enjoy it at the level you're at and be proud and remember that you're in an alliance with people that also have lives, because the top tier people will probably be quite lonely in real life.
Also it's not really relevant to the conversation but why are you using so many ellipses instead of periods?