Please be aware, there is a known issue with Saga badging when observing the AW map.
The team have found the source of the issue and will be updating with our next build.
We apologize for the inconvenience.

Choose war rule mode - would you like a feature mode added that allows the choice of rules for aw

Availingsnail2Availingsnail2 Posts: 20
edited June 2018 in Suggestions and Requests
In light of constant meta changes i see the problem being kabam is taking away our choice and forcing unwanted rules on us. Please read the suggestion and vote on the poll below.

How this would work is you have options + default setting in categories for leader/ officer to choice in placement phase of aw. You will select options for categories ; placement / setup conditions, character use limit, and point/ win conditions. checklist boxes you select to set your war rules . The meta is set by answers to your aw rules for the modes or default, one determines placement conditions , one sets champ limit, and one that will determine tiebreak win condition points should both of teams 100% with points. Each aw would be worth same points value in total but calculated determined results differently by rules set by participants
1. placement conditions mode would be: hard node mode; yes, no, (default no)
Item use mode: yes, no, (default yes)
2. champ limit mode; 1,3,unlimited, (default unl)
3. bonus point/ tiebreak modes would be: attack bonus mode, diversity point mode, both attack and diversity, (default attack bonus)

Choose war rule mode - would you like a feature mode added that allows the choice of rules for aw 1 vote

Yes this is a good idea
Availingsnail2 1 vote
No this is a bad idea
This has merit/potential and should be investigated
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