6* basic pool or 6* Featured pool?

Bruinsfan8510Bruinsfan8510 Member Posts: 584 ★★★
By September I’ll have enough 6* shards for the Featured pool which is 15K shards.....I know all the new champs are getting adding to the basic pool in September. Does everyone think it’s worth spending 15K 6* shards and possibly getting a bad champ still or should I just stick with the basic pool?


  • Ingi_FreyrIngi_Freyr Member Posts: 11
    Do the basic pool, it's going to be really good in September
  • doctorbdoctorb Member Posts: 1,937 ★★★★
    Personally, I prefer basic pool for 5* and 6*.
    Its not worth spending so much extra shards for a chance at a good hero but risk getting one already available in basic pool.
  • GotszbotGotszbot Member Posts: 236
    I think it's best to do basic. Granted I pulled. Bb and gamora... I'd rather do that with 10k shards than pull a rocket rabbitfrom a 15k or a lady Thor.
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