Ghost - First Block Break Champion?

Mcoc has been around for over 2.5 years (or even more) and we haven't yet seen a champion that has block break ability. Looking at the movie trailers, Ghost seems like she would definitely have a True-Strike like ability and perhaps even Block Break?
I think the game has advanced far enough that there should be a Block Break champion. Sure Massacre was a good punishment for 'cowards' but he doesn't really break blocks (on basic hits of course)
What do you guys think?
I think the game has advanced far enough that there should be a Block Break champion. Sure Massacre was a good punishment for 'cowards' but he doesn't really break blocks (on basic hits of course)
What do you guys think?
And her ability is intangibility. If it works the way I think it works, she wouldn't be able to land a hit while being intangible
I'm not sure how you're personally defining this but I'd have said Rhino does it.
Not this.
Not like this.
Oh wait, we had that with Doc Ock post-nerf.
Old-style Cyclops has had this ability for over two years and hasn't broken the game.
It's limited in that he requires Awakening, only applies to special attacks; and needs you to sustain a combo; but that's what's kept him from breaking the game.
Unblockable basic attacks would hurt the game and cause an uproar. The bug on Domino being capable of doing this right now isn't going over to well. Lot of people are also already complaining about Kabam taken away the ability to parry, imagine this would just add to that.
Ice Phoenix pre nerf?
Forgotten old Black Widow is Block Break Champion =
So unless I choose to take hits to the face, I'm a coward?
Like dash back and spam the block 7 times to trigger "block breaking"